題 名 | 高中公民科教師對經濟學教材內涵需求之研究--以臺灣中部地區為例=Teachers' Perceptions of Economics Course Content |
作 者 | 方詠菁; 黃美荺; | 書刊名 | 公民訓育學報 |
卷 期 | 12 2002.07[民91.07] |
頁 次 | 頁143-185 |
分類號 | 523.7419 |
關鍵詞 | 經濟教育; 經濟學教材; 公民科教師; Economic education; Economics course; Civics teachers; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討我國高中公民科教師對經濟學教材內涵之需求。首先從相關文獻探討建構高中經濟教育的課程內涵,並據此採取問卷調查,藉以瞭解高中公民科教師對經濟學教材內涵的看法。實證研究方面,乃抽查臺灣中部地區六縣市124位高中公民科教師為有效樣本,以自編之「高中公民科經濟學教材內涵之需求調查問卷」調查教師的看法,所得之調查結果以各種統計方法進行分析。 本研究主要發現如下: (一)高中公民科教師的經濟專業背景不理想 (二)教師認為本研究所列之教材內容皆適合列入高中教材之中,以「失業」、「物價膨脹」、「機會成本」、「生產資源」、「市場」概念最重要等;但教師對教材內涵的認知程度不甚理想,而重要程度與認知程度皆達顯著正相關,顯示教師對教材內涵的瞭解程度愈高,則認為其重要程度愈高。 (三)教師看法的差異分析:不同背景因素的教師對各項教材內涵重要程度的看法,差異並不顯著,而教師在不同背景因素的差異,其對教材內涵的認知程度會有顯著不同。 (四)教師對各章節教材內涵的編輯需求內容項目。 (五)本文並依據文獻探討與研究發現,提出相關建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate senior high school civics teachers' perceptions of high school economics course content. The study based on the assumption that senior high school civics teachers' knowledge of economics is very meaningful for civics education, regardless of what their academic background may differ. The subjects of this study were 124 randomly selected civics teachers in central Taiwan. Data are collected via survey questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. Serveral results were generated from this study. First, the participated civics teachers were deficient in professional competency on economics education. Second, teachers' perceptions of economics course content was showed that ‘unempolyment’, ‘inflation’, ‘opportunity cost’, ‘resources for production’ are important concepts that should be contents of senior high school 's Civics textbook. While concepts like ‘interest’, ‘other economical institutions’, ‘firms and government’, ‘government policy and the cost of society’ were basically unfamiliar to most teachers. The study indicated that the more civics teachers understand those concepts, the more they thought the importance of them. Third, the results showed that differences of teachers' point of view can be divided into two parts, they are: 1. Teachers' point of view on the importance of the concepts was found no significant difference, regardless of what their academic or teaching background (including school locations, type of schools, private vs. public schools, genders, teaching years and teaching civics years, teacher's highest academic training, times of taking-part-in workshops) may differ. 2. Teachers' point of view on the cognition of the concepts was found significant difference among teachers, including: (a) male teachers are superior to female ones. (b) teachers with 6 to 10 years of teaching experience are better than others. (c) graduate school level teachers are better than college level ones. (d) economics-majored teachers are better performed than non economics-majored ones. (e) teachers who never took credits concerning economics are generally poor performed. (f) teachers who ever participated in economics workshops for 3 times or more are better performed than those who never took part in. (g) Civics teachers perform better than non-civics teachers. Considering other factors, there are no significant differences among school locations, public vs. private schools, and teachers' experience and teaching years. Finally, based on the results, my recommendations were made in order to improve the instruction of economic education at the senior high school level. |