題 名 | 全球化的臺灣發展:建立臺灣為「開放的服務型國家」=Taiwan's Development in Globalizing Times: An "Open Service-State" |
作 者 | 張亞中; | 書刊名 | 遠景基金會季刊 |
卷 期 | 3:3 2002.07[民91.07] |
頁 次 | 頁1-46 |
分類號 | 551.2 |
關鍵詞 | 全球化; 兩岸統合; 開放的服務型國家; 國家發展策略; 現代化理論; 依賴理論; 虛擬國家; 共同體; Globalization; Cross-strait integration; Open service state; National development strategy; Modernization theory; Dependence theory; Virtual state; Community; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文除前言與結論外共分為四大部分。第一部分是屬於「歷史面」的探討,分別從明末清初的鄭成功、清末的劉銘傳以及日本移民臺灣三個時期來攝取歷史上臺灣發展策略的經驗與省思。第二部分是「理論面」的論述,在探討全球化對於傳統國家發展策略的衝擊,解釋「虛擬國家」、「共同體國家」所代表的意義,並提出「開放的服務型國家」的發展模式。第三部分是為「現實」實的討論,指出臺灣未來的發展將受到全球化與中國大陸兩股力量的衝擊,並分析其內容。第四部分為「全球化」與「兩岸統合」將有助於這項策略的發展。 |
英文摘要 | This article is divided into four parts besides introductory and concluding parts. The first part gives an historical look-back of Taiwan's development strategy from the late Ming regime, to the Manchurian Qing dynasty and to the Japanese rule. The second part examines globalization theories. After a brief review of the impact of globalization on the state's development strategy, I will look into theories on the “virtual state”, the “community state”, and propose a development model of “open service-state”. The third part deals with the practical aspect. A major point of this part is that Taiwan's future will be cross-influenced by globalization and the development of Mainland China. The discussion will give a depth analysis of the influences. The last part proposes measures to cope with the impact and influences discussed in the previous parts and maintains that Taiwan should establish itself as an “open service-state” for its future development strategy. I also analyze at the ending why globalization and integration across the Strait can help facilitate the proposed strategy. |