題 名 | 傳統銀飾圖案的文化意涵--以一付銀項圈為例=Cultural Significance of the Ornamented Patterns on the Silver Jewelry--A Case Study of the Collection of a Silver Necklace |
作 者 | 吳煬和; | 書刊名 | 美和技術學院學報 |
卷 期 | 21 2002.09[民91.09] |
頁 次 | 頁61-77 |
分類號 | 538.142 |
關鍵詞 | 文化; 銀飾; 項圈; 長命鎖; Culture; Silver jewelry; Necklace; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主要的目的在探討一件早期民間兒童佩載的項圈、鎖片上的紋飾,所表現出來的文化意義。人類的內心世界往往會在不經意之間,透過各種外顯的、可見的事物表現出來。有些事物背後的意義,廣為人知;有些則或許連行為者本身也不一定清楚明白其用意。但這些事物,卻也經由約定俗成的方式,代代相傳,成為生活、文化的一部份。 文化應可解釋為:一群人各種生活模式的總稱。生活中的思維和祈求,大眾會透過各種途徑表現出來。本文所探討的項圈,上面刻滿各式樣的圖案,有植物圖案、動物圖案、神獸圖案、人物圖案、器物圖案、抽象圖案等;大多數的圖案為我們所熟知,並廣泛運用於生活的各個層面之中。這些圖案清楚明白的表現先民的價值觀、生命觀、生活觀等各個層面的心靈活動。 解釋分析本文所蒐集的物品圖案,表現出來的包含有生命的追求、功名的追求,家庭的追求,富貴的追求,消災祈福、趨吉避凶的期望;但其中以富貴功名的追求最為明顯,顯示大眾對生命事物的期望,似大多停留在較為基本的生理需求滿足;傳統中國人因處於生產力不發達的農業社會,稍有天災人禍,即容易產生糧食匱乏的危機,因此對基本的生理需求,有先天上匱乏恐懼,必須長期不斷的累積,才能滿足自身主觀的期望。生理需求如此強裂,相對其他較高層次,如精神層次的滿足,就變得隱而不顯、或根本就和生理需求混而為一了。 當然文化的範圍廣泛,人民的思維複雜,單以一個器物來分析解釋文化、人民的思維,勢必容易陷入以偏蓋全的謬誤;若欲建構一個普遍性的理論,則尚需蒐集更多的資料支持。因此這篇論文,就僅限於以蒐集的項圈銀鎖片上的圖案為主,嘗試探討器物上圖文的意涵,藉以了解人民的內心世界。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to analyze the cultural significance of the ornamented patterns of a silver necklace towards the beginning of the Republic. As we know, people sometimes unintentionally show, through different external and visible patterns, their internal world, including the concepts of value, life, etc. Some of them are well known; some of them are just passed from generation to generation and their ignorance is ignored. The necklace that we studied includes a variety of ornamental patterns: plants, animals, legendary animals, characters, articles and abstract patterns. We are familiar with these patterns and use them in our daily life. Besides, through studying the drills of these ornamental patterns, we realize the aspirations of our ancestors: for life, family, prosperity etc. By classifying the aspirations, we found that the basic physical desire is relatively more important than the spiritual one. We also realize the limitations of this study. It's impossible to explain the complicate internal world by analyzing only one necklace. So this study only analyzes the significance of the patterns, as a first step to explore the traditional Chinese mental world. |