題 名 | 普遍人文主義的意義=The Meaning of Universal Humanism |
作 者 | 李震; | 書刊名 | 哲學與文化 |
卷 期 | 29:9=340 2002.09[民91.09] |
頁 次 | 頁777-794+869 |
分類號 | 120 |
關鍵詞 | 人文主義; 普遍人文主義; 新士林哲學; 唐君毅; 牟宗三; Humanism; Universal humanism; Neo-scholastics; Tang Jun-Yi; Mou Zueng-san; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 由人文主義或哲學中的人文精神來看,中國哲學的發展從先秦各家到宋明哲學,甚至到清代前期,基本上都是從天道、人道、地道並重的角度看待的,極端的人文主義或者無神主義者並不多見;西方從希臘哲學和中世紀哲學,其代表人物也多能持守中庸的精神,對物道或自然、人道及超越性天道並重,並在哲學探討的方法與走向上,強調神、人及自然相互整合的重要。時至今日,則發展出嚴一極端人本主義,拒絕與思路溝通、對話。為避免引發危機,作者認為倡導、推行普遍的、中康的、整合的人文主義或人文精神是緊要與迫切的。 |
英文摘要 | From humanism or the humanistic spirit in philosophy, we can see that the development of Chinese philosophy-from the various schools in the pre-Chin period, through the doctrine of Li in the Sung and Ming Dynasties, to the earlier period of the Qing Dynasty-started with equal emphases on the way of heaven, the way of man and the way of earth, and radical humanists or atheists were rarely seen. From Greek philosophy and the medieval philosophy, we can see that the representative Western philosophers could mostly abide by the spirit of the golden mean, appreciating the way of existence, nature, they way of man and the transcendental way of heaven, while highly estimating the value of integrating of god, man and nature in philosophical approaches and orientations. But now we have another radical humanism that refuses to communicate and converse with thoughts. To avoid making any crises, the writer believes that it is important and urgent to promote and advocate a universal, mean, and integrated humanism or humanistic spirit. |