題 名 | 臺灣股票市場風險值估測模型之實證研究=An Empirical Study on the Value at Risk Model of the Taiwan Stock Market |
作 者 | 林楚雄; 陳宜玫; | 書刊名 | 管理學報 |
卷 期 | 19:4 2002.08[民91.08] |
頁 次 | 頁737-758 |
分類號 | 563.54 |
關鍵詞 | 風險值; 尾部指數; GARCH模型; VaR-x法; Value at risk; Tail index; GARCH model; VaR-x method; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要在評估參數法(簡單移動平均法、指數加權移動平均法、GARCH-normal法、波動轉換GARCH-normal法、GARCH-t法、波動轉換GARCH-t法)、極值法(VaR-x法)以及蒙地卡羅模擬法在估計風險值(Value at Risk, VaR)之預測能力。本研究以台灣股票店頭市場與集中市場之股價指數做為比較風險值估測模型的研究對象,研究期間為1995年11月1日到1999年12月28日。由累積失敗次數與Kupiec (1995)檢定結果顯示,並不存在一個同時適合預測店頭市場與集中市場的最好VaR模型。整體而言,簡單移動平均法與指數加權移動平均法之表現不甚理想,究其原因為簡單移動平均法與指數加權移動平均法不能捕捉波動的行為特性所致。然而,VaR-x法、GARCH族模型與蒙地卡羅法因為較能捕捉尾部機率分配與波動的行為,估計的VaR較準確而增進市場風險的管理效能。本研究結果說明了資產價格機率分配與波動行為的掌握,是估計VaR的關鍵。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to assess three approaches, which are parametric method (such as Simply Weighted Moving Average Approach, Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Approach, GARCH-normal Model, Volatility-Switching GARCH-normal Model, GARCH-t Model, and Volatility-Switching GARCH-t Model), extreme value theory(VaR-x), and Monte Carlo simulation method, for measuring VaR precision. We collected the data of Taiwan OTC and TSE stock market index to evaluate these three VaR approaches. The sample period is from November 1, 1995 to December 28, 1999. Based on failure rates and Kupiec test (1995), we can’t find the best VaR model for the TSE and OTC markets. On average the SMA and EWMA can’t pass through Kupiec test (1995) because they can’t cope with the phenomenon of the volatility cluster. The VaR-x method, GARCH models, and Monte Carlo simulation method, in contrast, create more precise estimates of VaR and improve the efficiency of the market risk management. These results indicate that the tail of the asset price distribution and the volatility behavior are extremely important in estimating VaR. |