題 名 | 北方部分地區元墓出土陶器的區域性觀察--從漳縣汪世顯家族墓出土陶器談起=An Examination of the Regionalism in Northern Funerary Earthenware of the Yuan Dynasty: The Evidence of the Wang Shih-hsien Clan Tombs of Chang County |
作 者 | 謝明良; | 書刊名 | 故宮學術季刊 |
卷 期 | 19:4 民91.夏 |
頁 次 | 頁143-168+174 |
專 輯 | 蒙元文化與藝術學術研討會專刊(一) |
分類號 | 796.6 |
關鍵詞 | 元代; 陶器; 汪世顯家族墓; 三禮圖; 宣和博古圖; Yuan dynasty; Earthenware; Wang Shih-hsien clan tombs; San-li t'u; Hsuan-ho poku t'u; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 汪氏家族墓以一批總數約百餘件的倣古陶器最引人留意。如果將這類陶器的器式特徵與北宋聶崇義《三禮圖》所載錄的禮器進行比較,可以得知其祖型是來自《三禮圖》的禮器。由於類似器式的陶器也見於陝西西安、寶雞等地元墓,因此又可推測跨越今陝甘兩省部分地區曾經存在著一股模摹《三禮圖》禮器以為墓葬儀物的風潮。與此相對的,洛陽地區元代墓葬陶器則是採行了北宋宣和年間重修的《宣和博古圖》的系統。洛陽地區所見出土有該類陶器的元墓雖只有二座,但墓主族屬明確,分別是屬於蒙古族和漢族。此說明了原定區域內不同種族的居民,往往共同遵行並且營造出具有區域特色的墓葬陶器。 如果從區域的角度來觀察北方其他地區如北京地區元代墓葬,不難發現,北京地區元墓常見的具有區域特色的陶器組合,不僅出現在同地區漢人墓葬,也曾出土於祖籍巴基斯坦的色目人或蒙古人墓葬。換言之,北京地區葬俗同樣是凌駕於種族之上,並成為左右墓葬器物內容的重要約束力。 另外,北方地區出土有做倣古陶禮器墓葬之年代均集中於十四世紀元代後期,這似乎說明了此時北方地區興起了一股以陶器來模倣三代禮器以為墓葬儀物的風潮,而陝甘兩省及洛陽地區部分元墓分別以《三禮圖》和《重修宣和博古圖》的器式作為其墓葬陶器的祖型,此一現象或可視為是在此一新興風潮下陶器區域樣式的表現。 |
英文摘要 | The tombs of the Wang clan are particularly noteworthy for the over one bundred pieces of antiquarian-style earthenware they contain. When compared with the ritual objects recorded in the San-lit'u, a Northern Sung text by Niegh Ch'ung-I, it is clear that the San-lit'u supplied the models for these vessels. The discovery of similar earthenware vessels in the His-an and Pao-chi regions of Shensi suggests that during the Yuan dynasty, a tradition of producting funerary wares based on illustrations in the San-lit'u existed in the areas of modern-day Kansu and Shensi. By contrast, funerary earthenwares from Yuan dynasty tombs in the Lo-yang area follow the illustrations of the Hsuan-ho poku t'u, produced by the late Northern Sung court. Although the Lo-yang wares are represented by only two tombs, the ethnic status of both occupants is clear: one is Mongol, the other in Han Chinese. This suggests that the determining factor for funeral earthenware was regional, not ethnic. Upon examining other northern burials, such as those of the Yuan dynasty Peking region, it is immediately obvious that regionally specific wares transcend ethnic boundaries. The same distinctive wares are found in the tombs of Han Chinese, Mongols, and Central Asians from the region of present day Pakistan. Here again, we see burial customs dictated primarily by regional, not ethnic, identify. |