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題 名 | 輸卵管結紮後婦女的生活經驗=The Lived Experience for Women after Tubal Sterilization |
作 者 | 周雪棻; 李從業; | 書刊名 | 長庚護理 |
卷 期 | 13:2=38 2002.06[民91.06] |
頁 次 | 頁126-135 |
分類號 | 419.74 |
關鍵詞 | 輸卵管結紮; 婦女; 生活經驗; 現象學; Tubal sterilization; Women; Lived experience; Phenomenology; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的是在探討輸卵管結紮對婦女生理、心理及性方面的影響。基於想深入探討個案的生活經驗,因此本研究採用現象學研究法,共訪談了12位輸卵管結紮後的婦女,以開放、無結構、不引導且深入的方式進行訪談,所有訪談內容均予錄音並轉換成文字,以Giorgi的現象學來分析所收集的資料。研究者藉由本質、直觀、還原的方法深入探討文本,最後綜合成一概括的結構性描述,萃取出四個主要概念如下一、結紮對生理的影響;二、心頭篤定心理無礙;三、結紮後避孕率提高;四、結紮結果利多於弊。根據研究結果,整理出一套護理諮詢及衛教方案,期待婦女對輸卵管結紮有正確的認知,並且在輸卵管結紮後達到生、心理和性等三方面滿意的狀態。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate women's physical , mental , and sexual responses to tubal sterilization. The phenomenological method was used to explore the women's lived experience after tubal sterilization. Twelve women were recruited. Open-ended, non-structured, non-guided circumstance interviews were conducted and audiotaped. All the information was recorded and transcribed in written form. Data were analyzed using Giorgi's phenomenological method. Four descriptive structured concepts were developed from the use of essences, intuiting, reduction, and extraction: 1) influence on physical conditions, 2) strong mind, won't bother [me] mentally, 3) contraceptive success, and 4) more advantages than disadvantages to tubal sterilization. Based on study findings a set of nursing consulations and education protocols was developed to use with women undergoing tubal sterilization. Use of these consultations and protocols anticipates women will experience physical, mental, and sexual satisfaction after tubal sterilization. |