題 名 | 秦始皇兵馬俑軍陣排列及其戰備之研究=A Study of Battle Array and War Preparedness of the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang |
作 者 | 許雅玲; 傅榮珂; | 書刊名 | 嘉義大學學報 |
卷 期 | 73 2002.06[民91.06] |
頁 次 | 頁131-149 |
分類號 | 796.6 |
關鍵詞 | 秦始皇兵馬俑坑; 人俑; 遠射兵器; 長兵器; 短兵器; 儀衛兵器; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 距今兩千兩百年前之秦朝,雄壯之軍威,透過兵馬俑之發現,再一次顯現在吾人眼前,彷佛在述說著秦始皇時代神聖而又傳奇之歷史故事。 一群遠離中原核心地區牧馬民族,經歷一次又一次之征伐,終於實現野心勃勃之君王---秦始皇之一統大夢,始皇曾自言:「寡人以渺渺之身,興質誅暴亂,賴宗廟之靈,六王咸代其辜,天下大定。」而曾幾何時,此一龐大軍容,卻也跟隨著始皇帝之歸天,而隱於深沉之黃士之泉。 幸風水輪迴,經歷世世代代之變遷,此曾立下巍峨汗馬功勞之地下勇士,仍不甘千年孤寂,勇於衝破地面,來到世間與吾輩此等凡人相會,舉凡是將軍俑、步兵俑、兵俑,甚或是戰車配屬俑,其神情堅定,英姿挺拔,佩帶著各類當代精銳神器,劍拔弩張,宛如一代雄兵再,踏破六國城闕! 於瞻仰兵馬之壯盛軍容之際,似乎時空飄邈,亦讓人不知不覺地回到古代戰場之刀光劍影,馬嘶金鳴,為中國歷史漫漫寫下輝煌璀璨之一頁。 |
英文摘要 | The grand troops of the Qin, 2200 years ago, through the discovery of the Terra cotta Warriors and Horses, present to us again. They seem to tell the holy and legend stories in the Oin shi Huang period. A horse-herding nation far away from the central area of China, after battles on by one, finally brought about the unity dream of the ambitious emperor-Qin Shi Huang. He ever said: “I dispatch troops to punish the riot with my humble body. Depending on the souls in the ancestral temple, the six kings all surrendered and the world becomes tranquil.” But before long, the huge troops were buried deeply under the yellow earth followed the death of him. However, the fortune replacing after changes of generations, the underground warriors who had earned the grand war exploits, not readily to thousands of loneliness, have broken through the ground bravely to meet our ordinary people in the world. Whatever general, Soldier, Soldier Rider, or Soldier of War Car, exhibit steady faces and strong and straight bodies with swords drawn and bows bent, seem to destroy city walls of the six states again! With paying our respects to the grand appearance of the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses, the space-time seems to go back to the ancient battlefield. There are flashes of knives and swords, mingled with the cry of horses and gold. A brilliant period of Chinese history in the long run. |