- Risk Factors for Urinary Incontinence of Different Severities in Taiwanese Women in the Taipei Area
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題 名 | Risk Factors for Urinary Incontinence of Different Severities in Taiwanese Women in the Taipei Area=大臺北地區臺灣婦女尿失禁之危險因子 |
作 者 | 黃懷恩; 余宏政; 陳淳; 季瑋珠; | 書刊名 | 中華民國泌尿科醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 13:1 2002.03[民91.03] |
頁 次 | 頁32-37 |
分類號 | 416.274 |
關鍵詞 | 尿失禁; 婦女; 危險因子; Urinary incontinence; Female; Risk factors; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 研究目的:這份研究報告是為了要探討大臺北地區臺灣婦女尿失禁的危險因子。 材料與方法:我們對於在臺北地區一城區及二郊區的1608位20歲以上之婦女進行訪問。訪問是個別的由專人執行。內容針對受訪者基本資料及尿失禁之嚴重程度做分析。對於各種可能造成尿失禁的危險因子進行多變項分析。 結果:有205(12.7%)位在過去的12個月裡每個月經歷至少一次的尿失禁,這些婦女被列入我們的研究對象。其中的146(9%)被歸類為臨床上有意義之尿失禁。根據分析,有意義之尿失禁危險因子包括年齡的增加(尤故是年齡>65歲,自然產的次數大於2以及是否有接受過骨盆腔手術。研究顯示高體重(BMI)及教育程度並不構成危險因子。 結論:雖然有相當高比例的臺灣婦女曾經有過尿失禁,但是大部份是輕微的。在所探討的因子當中,年齡的增加,自然產的個數及骨盆腔手術是有意義之危險因子。 |
英文摘要 | Objectives: To detect the risk factors for urinary incontinence of different severities in Taiwanese women in the Taipei area. MATERIALS AND Methods: A multistage sampling questionnaire interview was per-formed in which 1608 women aged older than 20 years were selected from l urban and 2 rural areas in Taipei and were interviewed in person. The women were questioned concerning their demographic characteristics and status of incontinence. Effects of possible risk factors for UI were estimated by multiple logistic regression. Results: Of the total, 205 interviewees (12.7%) who had experienced urine leakage at least once per month in the preceding 12 months were regarded as being incontinent in our study; 146 subjects (9%) were further categorized as having clinically significant UI. The presence of clinically significant UI was positively associated with increased age (aged 65 years or older), the number of normal spontaneous deliveries (NSDs) greater than 2, and a history of a pelvic operation. Our study also showed that neither obesity (high BMI) nor educational level was a risk factor for UI. Conclusions: Despite the high prevalence of UI among community-dwelling women in the Taipei area, most of the cases were mild. Among the possible risk factors we investigated, aging, the number of NSD, and a history of a pelvic operation constituted the significant determinants for the presence of UI. |