題 名 | 運用風險管理簡化海關國際物流通關監控設計--以貨櫃集散站業者自主管理為例=Strategic Design for Relaxing Customs Regulations on International Logistics by Using Risk Management--Customs Authorizations Introduced to Container Yard/Container Freight Station Operations |
作 者 | 蔡明志; 簡良機; 陳柏生; | 書刊名 | 經社法制論叢 |
卷 期 | 29 2002.01[民91.01] |
頁 次 | 頁87-109 |
分類號 | 568.8 |
關鍵詞 | 全球運籌; 貨櫃集散站; 海關監控; 風險管理; 自主管理; Global logistics; CY/CFS; Customs control; Risk management; Customs authorization; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 貨物通關仍為當前國際貨物流通之重要課題之一。海關實施風險管理以簡化海關作業流程並達有效監控目的,為目前國際海關的共同連署(京都公約)約定,同時為現今與未來海關進行控管的潮流方向。因此本研究的目的在檢討旣有的海關控管流程對國際貨物流通所造成的時間與成本影響,同時探究目前海關運用風險管理觀念所積極倡導的貨櫃集散站業者自主管理之內容與運作狀況。研究運用風險控管技術,分別定義國際貨物流通控管的風險內容,確認自主管理的潛在風險來源,評估各風險源之影響程度,最後提出相對風險控制策略,作為修正提昇自主管理策略的參考。 研究結果顯示:實施自主管理業者確實可達到節省業者經營成本、時間及精簡海關人力之預期目標。目前實施自主管理的業者,平均進口重櫃儲存時間(turn time)由實施前之7日縮短為5.9日,拖車進站載櫃時間(YT time)由每部18分鐘縮短為13分鐘。出口併裝櫃每櫃節省450元,進口重櫃每櫃節省約100元。研究同時確認貨櫃集散站之硬體設施、作業流程、文書管理、資訊管理、人事管理等五大風險源向度。其貢獻度主要為貨櫃集散站作業流程與人事管理兩項,約佔總走私風險63%;硬體設施、文書管理、資訊管理則僅佔其餘37%。本研究擬定具體自主管理風險控制策略為:加強人員專業訓練與管理、蒐集走私情資、建立艙單抽核基準、使用高科技檢查儀器、與運輸業者簽訂策略聯盟及事後稽核等。研究最後建議海關建立自主管理風險管理複核系統,以事前規劃、事中掌控與事後回饋等三大構面,強化自主管理風險稽核。 |
英文摘要 | Customs regulation is considered the main barrier to the efficient international distributions in Taiwan. To speed the freight flow, relaxing customs control by introducing risk management up has currently been a global consensus in accordance with the Kyoto Convention in 1999. Thus, this study aims to review the existing customs regulations and explore the upcoming customs relaxation of authorization practices and the use of risk management throughout the processes of risk identification, evaluation and control steps. The study indicates that customs authorization has substantially speeded up the freight movements and reduced the flow costs from the operations of the container yard (CY) and container freight station (CFS). However, by analyzing the likelihood of potential smuggling risks as a result of customs authorization, the study identified five possible risk factors as: unsophisticated hardware, operation flows, paperwork, information, and staffing systems. Among them, operation flows and staffing management were considered the principal risk factors. They account for 63% of the total risk, and the remaining three factors accounts for 37%. Based on the findings, this study justifies six measures for risk mitigations. They include: enhancing human resources, collecting smuggling intelligences, establishing selective criteria, utilizing sophisticated examining instruments and initiating strategic alliances with carriers, conducting post-clearance audit. Finally, the study recommends the establishing of a risk audit mechanism for long-term strategic planning and implementation. |