題 名 | 我國能源部門因應FCCC之永續發展策略--專訪能源委員會方執行秘書良吉 |
作 者 | 楊豐碩; 黃偉倫; 湯寶惠; | 書刊名 | 臺灣經濟研究月刊 |
卷 期 | 25:3=291 2002.03[民91.03] |
頁 次 | 頁13-15 |
專 輯 | 我國能源部門因應氣候變化綱要公約之永續發展策略 |
分類號 | 554.68 |
關鍵詞 | 能源部門; 永續發展; 氣候變化綱要公約; FCCC; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 自學典範曹永和與藝術大師朱銘,都是在起跑點低的不利情況下,奮進出來堅強人生的本土鬥士。本文歸納兩人四項共同成長特徵,即(一)清寒平凡之出身、(二)輾轉困頓之經歷、(三)務實精勤之努力及(四)愛的教育之滋養。他們的成長之路,深有啟發性;在教育上之啟示,包括(一)存在先於本質之意涵、(二)面對挫折之中道態度、(三)學習資源之必要性及(四)薪火相傳之精神,值得省思借鏡。 先前的討論,提出一種教學上應如何搭鷹架的途徑。 教師在教學時,可採如下的策略做為大架構:第一,機動調降期望學生發展出來的解題能力層次;第二,由抽象到具體、由少到多的提供解題線索及提示,如若不行,最後再用講解及示範的方式教學;第三,學生真的需要時才提供協助。在此大架構之下,當提供某個解題線索或提示,而學生仍無法成功解題時,可接著運用如下的策略協助學生,勿須急著提供更多及更具體明確的提示:1、推論及臆測學生的想法;2、激發學生產生困擾的感受;3、提供學生反思的機會。若這樣做了以後學生仍無法解題,才再回到大架構,接著提供更多及更具體明確的解題線索及提示。 此種教學方式,可說是以「提出問題」及「引導學生解決問題」為核心。教師若能善加運用,就是在搭一個能幫助學生發展出「可能發展出來的最大或最高層能力」的鷹架。 EP所遭遇的困難及所需的協助也較少;(8)自認稱職及具有特教碩士學位或研究所四十學分班者,編寫及執行IEP所遭遇的困難較少。 發與自行遴聘之雙軌制。4.選聘任免過程與結果應重視公平性。5.重視基層教師的心聲,滿足基層教師的需求。 6.強化教評會組織,並賦予校長部份用人權責。 迠q化的迷失中,因此質化研究不是教育研究的唯一選擇。發現真相、創造知識促進教育發展,才是教育研究人員的責任。 |
英文摘要 | Abstract: Both Cao Yong He and Zhu Ming were not born the rich family, the also got into trouble while they are growing. But they were still over come the trouble and became successful people of Taiwan. This article is going to tell you the same four characteristics of them. First, the both do not have the outstanding background. Second, they had same experiences that tossed and turned. Third, they also studied and worked hard to strive for their goal by themselves. Fourth, many nice teachers told them the way how to achieve their targets and help them so much with love. The way of their growing up inspires us in education. The following four main ideas are worth thinking, including, fist, the meaning of existence precedes essence. Second, the impartial attitude while they facing the setback. Third, the resource of learning is very important. Fourth, they followed the teacher's step to teach the follower. ical correlation analysis could be represented as a multiple indicator/multiple causes (MIMIC) model. Maximum-likelihood estimates of the model parameters could be generated by the LISREL computer program. The parameter estimates from SEM were the same as those from canonical correlation analysis. Actually, the representation of CCA as a SEM seemed to be a little complex, because several related models had to be analyzed, and some additional calculations were needed to obtain all the results from CCA. In other words, CCA could be considered as a special case of SEM. In sum, two advantages of the SEM approach to CCA were: (1) significance testing of canonical weights and index coefficients were possible; (2) significance testing for individual canonical correlation functions were possible. according to these conclusions mentioned above, the researcher makes six suggestions as follow: (1) Revising related laws and regulations to cope with pratical need. (2) To set up certain organization responsible for the affairs of teacher recruitment. (3) Teacher appointment use dual systems. (4) The fairness of the process and outcome of teacher recruitment should be pay more attention. (5) To pay more attention on teacher's appeal, and to satisfy their needs. (6) Empowerment the structure of STAC and give principal some power about employing teacher. |