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題 名 | 談哲學翻譯的一些相關問題=On Some Common Problems in Philosophical Translation |
作 者 | 黃藿; | 書刊名 | 翻譯學研究集刊 |
卷 期 | 6 2001.12[民90.12] |
頁 次 | 頁131-151 |
專 輯 | 第五屆口筆譯教學研討會論文輯要 |
分類號 | 818.7 |
關鍵詞 | 翻譯; 中英文翻譯; 哲學翻譯; Translation; English-Chinese translation; Philosophical translation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在討論英譯中的若干哲學翻譯相關問題。信達雅或許是所有翻譯作品所必須共同遵循的標準,但是不同學科領域的翻譯會面臨著不同的困難,譬如文學作品和文學經典的翻譯,難在詞藻、隱喻與雙關語;而哲學經典與哲學書籍的翻譯則往往難在哲學家的特殊術語、概念或理路。要做好哲學翻譯,除了最基本的對兩種語言熟悉運用的知識與能力之外,還要具備哲學方面的專業知識與訓練,特別是對西洋哲學的基本概念、各家各派的理論,以及哲學的各樣專門術語,都應有最起碼的認識。本文內容共分四個部分:首先談從事哲學翻譯的基本條件。接著就坊間的哲學譯書品質來加以檢討,我們選的三本書分別是:周行之翻譯的《智慧之路》、劉貴傑翻譯的《教育哲學導論》,以及林延慧與張振華合譯的《教學倫理》。我們以原文與譯文對照的方式,指出其中翻譯上的錯誤,並提出比較正確的譯法。上述譯書中的錯誤僅是信手捻來的案例,這些書的翻譯品質可見一斑。第三個部分則就個人目前從事哲學翻譯工作所遭遇的一些案例,來說明研究生或翻譯新手所可能犯的錯誤。一般翻譯的新手所犯的錯誤往往是語文能力的不足與不夠細心造成的,他們在這方面犯的錯大於因為對於哲學概念的生疏或哲學專門知識不足所犯的錯。最後的結論我們探討哲學譯書品質的控管,除了譯者本身應有自覺,要努力提昇程度之外,還應有更加負責的態度。因為壞的翻譯除了對不起原作者外,更對不起買書的讀者,更不要說會誤導青年後學的觀念。一般出版社對於譯書的出版也應有更嚴格的編審把關制度,對於品質不佳的譯稿應有能力篩選,不讓它們輕易出版。另外,翻譯學會或許在組織功能健全之後,對市面上各類的翻譯出版品建立起客觀、公正的評等辦法與制度,透過書評或譯評,公諸大眾,促進翻譯書籍品質的全面提昇。 |
英文摘要 | The essay aims to explore some problems related to philosophical translation. Translation in differen1iloj’t-areas faces different difficulties, and philosophical translation has difficulties of its own unique type. Usually, the difficulty in philosophica1 translation has to do with the phi10sophica1 ideas, termino10gies, and arguments. To become a competent philosophical translator, one needs to be not only good at both Chinese and English languages, but also equipped with professional knowledge and training in philosophy. The whole paper consists of four parts. First, we shall talk about the preliminary requirements of philosophical translation. Second, three philosophical books of translation available at the local bookshops will be chosen for case study. Some common errors of translation in these books will be pointed out, and suggestions of better translation will be provided for comparison. Third, examples in the translation task engaged by the author himself will be used for case study. We find out that most mistakes committed by the trainee translators are due to either carelessness or incapability in English language. In conclusion, the author proposes to set up a quality-control screening system for the publication of books of translation. It is also proposed that TATI takes the task of working out an objective and fair ranking system for these books to improve the quality of translation in general. |