題 名 | 「化」的追求=Sublimation in Translation |
作 者 | 梁立堅; | 書刊名 | 翻譯學研究集刊 |
卷 期 | 6 2001.12[民90.12] |
頁 次 | 頁119-130 |
專 輯 | 第五屆口筆譯教學研討會論文輯要 |
分類號 | 818.7 |
關鍵詞 | 化; 化境; 信達雅; 功能等值; 超語法因素; 化功; Sublimation; The level of sublimation; Faithful-expressive-refined; Functional equivalence; Extra-linguistic factor; Untranslatability; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「化」是錢鍾書提出來的翻譯理想,也是許多譯者追求的境界。但甚麼是「化」?「化」的方式有那些?「化」如何應用到實際的翻譯上?怎樣的翻譯才算是達到化境?就翻譯學的角度來說,這些都是值得多加研究的問題。這篇論文嘗試以中外一些著名的譯作為例,透過文化、語意、語言、語用等層面作分析,並配合中外的相關理論,探討翻譯過程中與「化」有關的問題,期能藉此找到通往「化鏡」的方向,以協助譯者在翻譯時化難解困,消除障礙,使譯文邁向高品質的「化鏡」。本文在結論中指出,「化」無常法。翻譯裡的化,運用之妙,存乎一心。面對諸多理論和方法,重要的是要能融匯整合,靈活運用。優秀的譯者在面對文字障時有本事將之渙然冰釋,在碰到艱深詞句時能使之怡然理順,而在理論的整合上則能做到貫穿融派,靈活運用。所以筆者認為,翻譯上的化,其實就是對各種相關理論及策略的融匯整合,並在翻譯過程中加以有效的活用。化得好不好,與譯者個人才情、個人語文能力、以及能否活用相關理論都有密切的關係。 |
英文摘要 | In translation studies, the paradigm for ideal translation has been a bone of contention among scholars. Qian Zhong-shu (錢鍾書), a distinguished scholar in mainland China, proposed that hwa 化.or sublimation, is the paradigm for ideal translation which should be regarded as a goal pursued by translators. But what are the feasible ways to reach sublimation? How can the idea of sublimation be applied to practical rendering? And what kind of translation can be regarded as having reached the level of sublimation? From the perspective of translatology, all these are issues worthy of further exploration. With reference to both Chinese and western relevant theories and through analysis of the factors in culture, semantics, linguistics, pragmatics, context, etc., this paper aims to explore the process leading to sublimation translation. Some famous Chinese and foreign translated works will be exemplified to deal with the related problems concerning sublimation, hoping thereby to help upgrade the level of rendering and advance translation studies in Taiwan. |