題 名 | An Overview of the Detection and Screening of Oral Cancer and Precancer=口腔癌及癌前期病變之偵測與篩檢 |
作 者 | 高壽延; 涂曦丰; 楊政杰; 羅文良; 張哲壽; | 書刊名 | 中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 12:2 2001.09[民90.09] |
頁 次 | 頁91-99 |
分類號 | 416.94 |
關鍵詞 | 口腔癌; 篩檢; 預防; 腫瘤標記; 細胞學; 檳榔; Oral cancer; Screening; Prevention; Tumor marker; Cytology; Betel nut; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 口腔癌是一種具致命性的疾病,其好發率約佔台灣男性惡性腫瘤的第五位,全人口惡性腫瘤的第七位。在台灣地區有兩百五十萬抽煙及嚼食檳榔的高危險群是口腔癌高度盛行的主因。遺憾的是,越來越多在醫學中心診斷出的新病例皆是屬於口腔癌分期的第三期及第四期。這些現象讓我們體會到,針對高危險群作早期預防、正確篩檢與及時治療是一樣重要的。在這篇文獻回顧中,我們概括地描述口腔癌的病程且探討對於這個疾病篩檢的重要性,並著重介紹一些傳統以及最新的口腔癌篩檢方法。 |
英文摘要 | Oral cancer is a fatal disease, which accounts for the 5th highest incidence of malignancy of male and the 7th in general population in Taiwan. The relative high prevalence of oral cancer in Taiwan is mainly because a 2.5 million high-risk group of population with smoking as well as betel nut chewing exist. Unfortunately, the new cases being found in medical center often present with a TNM stage III or IV level leading to a low 5-year survival. Therefore, it is generally accepted that prevention and screening of oral cancer at early stages or premalignant levels for the high-risk group of population are equally important to treatment. In this review article, we describe the nature of oral cancer and highlight the importance as well as various conventional and novel methods of screening of this disease. |