題 名 | 玉荷包荔枝營養診斷技術研究=Nutrient Studies on Yu Her Pao Lychee Orchards in South Taiwan |
作 者 | 林永鴻; 許秋玫; 葉俊賢; | 書刊名 | 高雄區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 12:2 2001.06[民90.06] |
頁 次 | 頁25-36 |
分類號 | 435.344 |
關鍵詞 | 荔枝; 開花期; 營養診斷; Yu her pao lychee; Anthesis stage; Nutrient diagnosis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗乃調查高屏地區品質及產量俱佳玉荷包荔枝果園土壤及植体養分含量情形,做為營養診斷之初步依據。以為爾後尋求適合南部地區玉荷包荔枝園肥培管理之方法。於高屏地區十三處果園進行調查,依不同時期採取各果園土壤及葉片進行分析。分析結果顯示,所調查的荔枝園,近半數果園土壤 pH值落在適宜的範圍,而土壤有機質含量普遍偏低,鈣、鎂含量也有偏低情形;至於葉片氮、磷、鉀含量以施基肥前最高,開花期最低,而鈣、鎂含量於幼果期達最高,而施基肥前是最低的。葉片各元素含量與產量的相關性以開花期為最高,所以樣品宜採開花期花穗下方成熟葉片,以開花期葉片營養元素為基礎,並參酌國外文獻,暫定玉荷包荔枝葉片營養濃度範圍為氮:0.79~1.30%,磷:0.09~0.18%,鉀:0.35~0.73%,鈣:0.57~1.13%,鎂:0.28~0.40%,鐵:34.7~254.3 mg kg-1,錳:182.7~409.3 mg kg-1。 |
英文摘要 | The aims of this study were to investigate the contents of soil and leaf nutrients, and to establish the method and the reference of nutrient diagnosis as guides for fertilization improvement for Yu Her Pao lychee. Fourteen orchards located in Kao-Ping district were chosed to survey the soil and leaf nutrients during different stages. The results showed that the soil pH of 50% orchards were in suitable range, and organic matter were all low. Available Ca and Mg were low, too. The average content of leaf N, P and K were all highest before application of basal and were lowest during anthesis stage. The average content of Ca and Mg were highest during fruit set stage, and were lowest before application of basal. The correlation between leaf nutrients and yield is highest during anthesis stage, so we should sample the leaf below the panicle during anthesis stage.When combining the leaf nutrients during anthesis stage and another reference which about lychee nutrients, we get the tentative criteria of leaf nutrients at anthesis stage for Yu Her Pao, N:0.79~1.30%, P:0.09%~0.18%, K:0.35~0.73%, Ca:0.575~1.13%, Mg:0.28~0.40%, Fe:34.7~254.3 mg kg-1, Mn:182.7~409.3 mg kg-1. |