題 名 | 社會行為結構分析法在個別諮商歷程研究上的應用=A Study of Individual Counseling Process Using Structural Analysis of Social Behaviors |
作 者 | 翁令珍; 廖鳳池; | 書刊名 | 諮商輔導文粹 |
卷 期 | 6 2001.12[民90.12] |
頁 次 | 頁59-86 |
分類號 | 178.4 |
關鍵詞 | 人際行為; 互動類型; 互動組型; 社會行為結構分析; 諮商歷程; Counseling process; Interpersonal behaviors; Interactional patterns; Structural analysis of social behaviors; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文以一個諮商與來談者的前三次諮商歷程為例,嘗試應用「社會行盥結構分析(SASB)的叢集模式加以歸類,結果可發現雙方互動歷程中人際行為類別、互重類型與互動組型:(1)在人際行為類別方面,諮商師在第一次諮商時以「肯定了解」的出現率最高,第二次以後則以「保護引導」的出現率為最高、且其出現率逐次提昇,而來談者在三次諮商都以「表達揭露」的出現率為最高,但「信任依賴」的出現率則逐次昇高;(2)在互動類型方面,雙方的互動大多是「互補」類型,但第三次諮商時「對立」類型大幅提昇;(3)在互動組型方面,前兩次諮商到第三次之前四分之三,當諮商師介入時,雙方互動組型以「互補」為主,僅偶而有「對立」出現,第三次之後四分之一則出現連續較長的「對立」。研究者針對以上研究結果,提出對於使用本分析模式、以及對於實務與未來研究之若干建議。 |
英文摘要 | The study was mainly to intensively analyze the interpersonal behaviors in individual counseling process and to find the particular interactional patterns during counselors’ interventions in the first three sessions. An dyad was taken for example to be analized with the cluster version of Structural Analysis of Social Behaviors (SASB). The findings of this study were as follows: First, the counselor “affirmed” the client most frequency in the first session, and “protected” during the following two, while the client “disclosed” most frequently during all the three but less and less afterwads. Second, “complementarity” was the most common pattern during the sessions, but in the third one its frequency apparently decended. Third, the interactional patterns during the counselor’s interventions till 3/4 of the third session were almost of “complementarity”, while the last 1/4 of the session with more frequent “antithesis”. Based on the findings, some suggestions were made. |