題 名 | 國中生性侵害防治教育現況與需求調查=An Exploration of Junior High School Students' Needs for Prevention Education of Sexual Assault |
作 者 | 晏涵文; 劉貴雲; 熊賢芝; 丁介陶; 閔肖蔓; | 書刊名 | 臺灣性學學刊 |
卷 期 | 7:1 2001.03[民90.03] |
頁 次 | 頁40-55 |
分類號 | 523.5779 |
關鍵詞 | 青少年; 性侵害; 性侵害防治教育需求; Adolescent; Sexual assault; Needs of prevention education for sexual assault; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究受內政部託進行青少年性侵治教育需求調整,旨在瞭解現行青少年喜歡那一種形式的性侵害防治教材,以為後續研發教材及相關內容參考之用。同時藉由此次調查欲瞭解學生的人口資料對於性侵害防治知識、性的其他相關態度、性侵害防治教育態度、性相關行為和性侵害防治教育內容需求的影響。 為求樣本具代表性,此次研究分別在北、中、南區選出9所公立國民中學,共1,000位學生,回收有效樣本950份問卷。研究結果發現受試學生在性侵害防治知識對於性侵害迷思及資源的認知較為缺乏,大多數的學生對於性侵害防治教育態度及性的其他相關態度持正向反應,在性相關行為中性別歧視行為、講黃色笑話及瀏覽色情資訊依舊是青少年族群中普遍有的行為表象,同時青少年需求甚般的教材內容為辨識危險情境、危機處理及自我保護的方法。同時結果也發現女性除了在性行為的頻率顯著低於男性,在其餘各分量表的分數均顯著優於男性。此結果顯示出女性在知識、態度、行為及教育需求上均優於男性。戲劇表演、參觀性侵害防治中心與團體活動為學生最喜愛的教育呈現形式。其喜歡的教材依序為錄影帶教材、多媒體教材及投影片教材。此結果顯示出學生對只是單純的演講已不能符合其需求。研究結果對於後續研發相關教材有相當重要的啟發,未來的研究可針對教材內容進行教育介入及其評價。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of the study was to help the Ministry of the Interior investigate what materials of prevention education of sexual assault will attract adolescents’ attention in order for the future design of the curriculum in addition, this study was to explore how the demographics influence students’ responses in the areas of sexual assault prevention knowledge, attitude for sexual assault prevention education, sexually related attitude, sexually related behavior and needs for prevention education of sexual assault. To make the sample representative, 9public junior high schools from northern, central and southern parts of Taiwan were selected in this study. There were 1,000 students participating in this study and 950 valid questionnaires were completed and returned. The results indicated that students had poor knowledge in terms of sexual assault myth and its related prevention resource. The majority of the students held positive tendency toward attitude for sexual assault prevention education and sexually related attitude. In the area of sexually related behavior, having gender discrimination behavior, telling sexual joke and reading pomographic information were the common behaviors amongst the youth group. The result also indicated that the curriculum content the students needed most were identification of the dangerous environment, crisis management and self-protection. From the results, female students performed better in the subscales of sexual assault prevention knowledge, sexually related attitude, attitude for sexual assault prevention education, sexually related behavior and needs for prevention education of sexual assault than their counterparts. Students’ preferred educational presentations were the drama performing, visiting the sexual assault prevention center and participating in group activities. Their favorite materials were videotape, multimedia and overhead format. The results suggested that students were not satisfied with only oral presentation without any teaching aids. Discussion and recommendation were made for the future design of the sexual assault prevention curriculum. |