題 名 | 臺南地區機構呼吸器依賴個案特質探討=Characteristics of Institutionalized Ventilator Dependent Client in Tainan Area |
作 者 | 葉莉莉; | 書刊名 | 胸腔醫學 |
卷 期 | 16:4 2001.12[民90.12] |
頁 次 | 頁236-243 |
分類號 | 415.415 |
關鍵詞 | 機構呼吸器依賴; 個案特質; Institutionalized ventilator dependent; Characteristics; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在瞭解臺南地區機構呼吸器依賴個案之人口學資料、整體慌醞護需求、個案之家庭經濟狀況與機構照護花費及其主要照顧家屬特質。研究對象為居住於臺南地區9定呼吸照護機構之個案,依研究者自擬並經轉家確認之資料收集資料,SPSS8.0系統進行分析。結果顯示,100位個案中,男性佔58%,平均年齡73.1歲,轉入機構之疾病診斷以呼吸衰辦為多,計30%。全日使用呼吸器者計88%,曾接受呼吸器脫離訓練者有36%;個案中意識清醒警覺者有29%;身上有二種以上管路者遠94%;家屬探訪狀況以每天探訪至少1次者為多,計43%。身體功能狀態由巴氏量表平均得分僅7.3分,顯示日常生活需求他人完全協助者多。個案住機構花費以自付2萬5仟至3萬者為多,計44%,家屬主訴之經濟負荷以可平衡為多(87%)。本研究結果對居住機構呼吸器個案及其家屬特質有初步了解,可做為政策制計與機構服務提供之參考。 |
英文摘要 | This exploratory study was conducted to identify the following characteristics of institutionalized ventilator-dependent clients: demographic distribution, physical care needs, monthly payment to the institution, family economic sufficiency, and family caregiver characteristics. Nine institutions located in the Tainan area participated this study. Data was gathered using a data collection tool, and analyzed with SPSS 8.0 software. Of the 100 clients studied, the following characteristics were revealed: 58% were male; the average age was 73.1 years old; the leading diagnosis was respiratory failure (30%); 88% needed 24-hour ventilator use; 36% were trained to wean the ventilator; 44% had family visits at least once a day; 29% were conscious clearly; and 94% had more than two kinds of catheter. The overage score on the Barthel's Index was 7.3, showing that most of the clients were completely dependent on help in their daily living activities. Forty-four percent of the families paid from NT$ 25,000 to NT$30, 000 to the institution monthly, and 87% said they could afford it. The results of this study can be used as a reference in polity-making and for the services provided by the institution. |