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題 名 | 結構-功能論的法律社會學--帕森思法律觀的析評=Parsons' Structural-Functional Theory of Law--A Socio-Legal Analysis and Critical Evaluation |
作 者 | 洪鎌德; | 書刊名 | 國家發展研究 |
卷 期 | 1:1 2001.12[民90.12] |
頁 次 | 頁147-189 |
分類號 | 580.1654 |
關鍵詞 | 結構功能論; 體系論; 負功能; 功能的無上命令; 規範結構; 普遍化的規範期待; 契約; 財產權; 自生法; 反思法; Structural-functionalism; Social system theory; Dysfunctions; Functional imperatives; The normative structure; Generalized normative expectation; Contract; Property right; Autopoietic law; Reflexive law; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本論文首述社會學與人類學中的功能理論,介紹墨頓顯性的與隱性的功能說,再簡介帕森思的生平、著作與學說主旨。接著描寫帕氏社會體系論中四大主要功能:適應、目標達致、整合與類型保持。法律作為社會總體系的次級體系,其主要的功能重在社會控制與社會整合。是故本文的重點在討論作為社會操控機制的法律之特徵,以及法律怎樣運用制裁、管轄、正當性與解釋的手段,配合法律的專業化來達到穩定社會總體系之目的。稍後,本文討論帕氏對契約、雇傭與財產權的剖析。最後,覆述帕氏法律社會學的大旨,評估其得失,以及後人在結構功能論以及體系論方面之發揮,以補充帕氏未竟與未逮之理論大業。 |
英文摘要 | This essay deals firstly with the evolution of functionalism in sociology and anthropology. It then treats Merton's distinction between the manifest and latent functions. Subsequently, the focus of the article is on Parsons' theory of social system. Having discussed his career, major writings and essential theoretical contributions, the author dwells on Parsons' four functional imperatives and their relevance to the law as one of the social subsystems. According to him, the law as a mechanism of social control operates in a free and open society in terms of sanction, jurisdiction, legitimation and interpretation with the aid of the legal profession. In addition, Parsons' discussion of contract, employment and property right is highly enlightening and deserves a brief mention. Finally, the treatise critically evaluates Parsons' socio-legal model and supplements it with theoretical modifications and expansions by recent scholars, such as H. Bredemeier, N. Luhmann, G. Teubner and A. Podgorecki. |