題 名 | 「醫療化」再思考=Rethinking Medicalization |
作 者 | 林文源; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學社會學刊 |
卷 期 | 29 2001.02[民90.02] |
頁 次 | 頁213-250 |
分類號 | 410.15 |
關鍵詞 | 去醫療化; 醫療化; 醫療社會學; Medicalization; De-medicalizationists; Medical sociology; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「醫療化」(medicalization)一詞在英美社會學界普經因為有力地批判醫療體制及其宰制現象而被廣泛地討論與應用。後來更因Foucault的理論走紅,「醫療化」又被視為是現代社的基本特質之一,而被賦予更寬廣的解釋空間。但既有研究、對話不斷豐富「醫療化」內涵的同時,因為對此詞彙未加以適當定位與釐清,衍生出許多歧異與誤解,反而失之於濫用,喪失解釋力。 本文先介紹英、美相關研究中歷來使用、討論醫療化的概念及其相關議題;並進一步,以各種觀點間的落差討論「醫療化」概念在既有的理解、運用上的侷限。最後,本文文將試圖以既有研究成果,試圖由歷時性的角度建立釐清醫療化歷程的現象學分析架構。 |
英文摘要 | It is probably the case that most sociologists interest in the field of medical sociology have heard of the term "medicalization". While medicalizetion is not of the generally used terms of medical sociology since 1970s and has been abounded with a lot of different usages, however, the term has not yet been properly reviewed. By reconstructing the research contextes and issues about medicalization, on the one hand, this paper tries to concentrate on the arguments between those proposing determinism (the medicalizationinsts) and those proposing agency (the de-medicalizationists) and points to some flaws and misunderstandings within the arguments. The problem of value-driven in most researches is discussed thoroughtly. On the other, a phenomenological framework, focuses on the temporary dimension of the medicalizing process, is elaborated to re-articulate the medicalizationists/de-medizalizationsts conflicts and clarify the mechanism in the process. Besides, the relationships between analysis and judgement are discussed. |