題 名 | 邁向多元的權利與平等觀--社群權、自然權與代間正義=Toward Multidimensional Perspective of Rights and Justice: Collective Rights, Rights of Nature, and Intergenerational Justice |
作 者 | 紀駿傑; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學社會學刊 |
卷 期 | 29 2001.02[民90.02] |
頁 次 | 頁185-212 |
分類號 | 541 |
關鍵詞 | 社群權; 自然權; 代間正義; 自由主義; 原住民; 後殖民論述; 生態; 女性主義; 多元文化; 生態主義; 關懷倫理; Group rights; Rights of nature; Intergenerational equity; Liberalism; Indigenous people; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主旨在於討論社群權、自然權、與代間正義,這三個當代政治與社會哲學界新興的多元性權利與平等論題,以及他們所照映出傳統自由主義討論此課題不足之劇。本文指出,以保障當代個人權利為倫理基礎的傳統自由主義並無法有效的處理包括非人類生物、後世代人類以及像許多原住民社群這種群體性社會的福祉問題,而這些問題的解決,正是當代社會所面臨的主要倫理挑戰之一。本文主張,社群權、自然權與代間正義的提出,尤其是這三者間的統合實踐,是回應上述挑戰的最好方式。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of this paper is to discuss three contemporary political philosophic perspectives on justice and equity, they are: group rights, rights of nature, and intergenerational justice. It argues that traditional liberalism, which focus on present generation's individual rights, cannot properly attend to the rights and welfare of non-human beings, future generations, and community-based societies such as indigenous groups around the world. An adequate treatment of these issues, however, is the main ethical challenge to contemporary societies. It suggests that the best way to respond to the challenge is by attending to the ideas and principles of group rights, rights of nature, and intergenerational justice in an integrated manner. |