題 名 | 季本「詩說解頤.總論」析評=A Study of Ji Ben's (季本) Commentary on the Book of Songs: General Introduction (詩說解頤.總論) |
作 者 | 黃忠慎; | 書刊名 | 國文學誌 |
卷 期 | 5 2001.12[民90.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-40 |
分類號 | 093 |
關鍵詞 | 季本; 詩說解頤; 總論; 詩序; 正變; 朱子; 三經; 以意逆志; 古經; Ji Ben; Preface to the Book of Songs; Normal change; Zhu xi; Three classics; Using meaning to violate will; Ancient classics; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近幾年來,研究者逐漸注意到了明代的經學成績,而季本的《詩說解頤》就是明代《詩經》學史上值得後人關注的一本著作。 《詩說解頤》近四十萬言,充分的篇幅足夠季氏在自出新說之外,可以有適度的徵引。《四庫全書總目提要》說季氏之書,「多出新意,不肯剽襲前人,而徵引該洽,足以自申其所見」,原則上,筆者可以同意這樣的評語,不過,本文要討論的不是《解頤》說解三百篇〈正釋〉之單元,而是季氏自認書中極為重要的兩卷〈總論〉,可惜的是,對於這兩卷〈總論〉而言,上述的評語並不適用。 《詩說解頤.總論》代表季本對《詩經》學基本問題之論述,本文將季氏這一部份的成績作了全面性的檢點,並且作出了十點結論,提供了明代經學史的研究者予可資信賴的參考。 |
英文摘要 | Recently researchers have gradually turned their attention to the achievements of the Classical Study in the Ming Dynasty. Ji Ben's Commentary on the Book of Songs: General Introduction is a significant work in the history of the Book of Songs hermeneutics. There are about four hundred thousand words in The Commentary on the Book of Songs: General Introduction, lengthy enough for Ji Ben to cite more scholarly works besides providing new interpretations. Commenting on Ji Ben, the Abstracts of the General Catalogue in the Si-ku Quan-shu(四庫全書總目提要) has this to say: "[Ji Ben] would rather say new things than plagiarize his precursors. He develops his own views through citing and negotiating his sources." I agree with this statement in principle, but his paper does not intend to discuss how Ji Ben interprets the three hundred poems in the Book of Songs, but what he believes to be of equal significance, the two-volume General Introduction. It's a pity Si-ku Quan-shu's comment does not fit them. The Commentary on the Book of Songs: General Introduction represents Ji Ben's discussion on the basic issues in the Book of Songs hermeneutics. Examining the overall achievement of this part of his life's work, this paper gives the researchers of the Ming Dynasty Classical Study ten points of conclusion as dependable reference. |