- 退休老人休閒參與量及類型與生活滿意度之關係
- Leisure Participation, Leisure Motivation, and Life Satisfaction for Elders in Public Senior Resident Homes in Taiwan
- 老人的休閒參與對休閒滿意和生活滿意之影響
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- The Relationships between Leisure Participation, Leisure Satisfaction, and Life Satisfaction of College Students in Taiwan
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- 高雄市退休高齡者休閒參與、休閒滿意度及生活滿意度關聯模式之建立與分析
- 臺南縣基層警察人員的休閒參與度、休閒滿意度與生活滿意度之相關研究
- 基層警察運動休閒參與、運動休閒滿意和生活滿意度之研究--以臺北縣基層警察為例
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題 名 | 退休老人休閒參與量及類型與生活滿意度之關係=The Relationship between the Types and Amount of Leisure Participation and Life Satisfaction in Retired Old Age |
作 者 | 蔡長清; 劉修祥; 黃淑貞; | 書刊名 | 高雄應用科技大學學報 |
卷 期 | 31 2001.12[民90.12] |
頁 次 | 頁183-221 |
分類號 | 544.8 |
關鍵詞 | 休閒; 休閒參與; 生活滿意度; 老人; Leisure; Leisure participation; Life satisfaction; Old age; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要目的是探討退休老人休閒參與類型及休閒參與量和生活滿意度之間的關係,並進一步深入分析不同社會經濟特性 (如年齡、性別、教育背景等)對此等關係的影響。研究對象是設籍於中華民國臺灣地區、年滿55歲或以上的高雄市政府所屬機關學校之退休公教人員。以分層隨機抽樣方式抽出840名接受問卷調查。最終收回有效問卷278份,約為33.1%。問卷主要蒐集樣本的生活滿意度、休閒活動參與頻率、及社會經濟特性。利用Pearson積差關係數、卡方獨立性檢定、因素分析及描述性等統計方法進行資料分析。結果顯示大部分退休老人對目前的生活都還感到滿意。但單身、或教育程度太低、或身體健康不良、或所得太低者的生活滿意度相較之下偏低。前述這些退休老人的休閒參與頻率相較之下也比較偏低。退休老人最常從事之休閒活動依序為:1.看電視、2.閱讀、3.散步、4.聊天、5.聚會(餐)、6.旅行、7.拜訪親友、8.聽音樂、9.逛街/購物、10.園藝。休閒參與量較高的退休老人其生活滿意度也較高,此二者間存在顯著正相關。不論何種休閒活動類型,參與率較高者其生活滿意度也較高,尤其是75歲以上的退休老人,但以社交類及個人嗜好/興趣類和生活滿意度之間的相關性較高。除了教育程度太低或身體健康不良的退休老人以外,其他社會經濟特性下休閒參與總量和生活滿意度均存在顯著正相關。不論被動型或非被動型休活動均與生活滿意度有顯著正相關。本研究的成果可供各相關單位從事老人休閒需求調查、預測、設施規劃及興建,老人休閒活動設計、老人休閒活動品質評鑑、推廣休閒教育及提供休閒諮商的參考。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of the study is to determine if there exists a significant relationship between types and amount of leisure participation and life satisfaction in retired old age. In addition, the study investigated if the socio-economic characteristics, such as age, sex, education, and marriage of the sample affecting this relationship. The samples were those retired from the subsidiary organization and school of Kaohsiung City government with age over 55 and residence in Taiwan. The sample size was 840 selected by stratified random sampling. The number of the final useful questionnaire returned was 278 and the return rate was 33.1%. The questionnaire was designed to collect data of life satisfaction, leisure participation, and personal information. The data was analyzed using Pearson Monument Correlation Coefficient, Chi-square Independence of Test, and descriptive statistics. The results show that there exists significantly positive relationship between types and amount of leisure participation. The study found the total amount of the leisure participation didn’t related to life satisfaction for those with low income and bad health condition. There exists positive relationship between both the passive and impassive activities and life satisfaction. The top ten leisure activities of the sample was watching TV, reading, taking a walk, leisure talk, joining a party, traveling, visiting relatives or friends, listening to music, shopping, and gardening. Hopefully the results can help improve the quality of leisure programming, facility planning, leisure education and leisure conseling. |