- 影響在職人士參與碩士課程進修之決策因素
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題 名 | 影響在職人士參與碩士課程進修之決策因素=Decision Making of In-Service Participants for Enrolling in a Graduate-Level Academic Program |
作 者 | 朱寶青; 陳柏舟; | 書刊名 | 大葉學報 |
卷 期 | 10:2 2001.12[民90.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-13 |
分類號 | 524.8 |
關鍵詞 | 成人教育; 在職進修; 消費者行為; 決策因素; 功利型; 理想型; 回饋型; Adult education; In-service education; Consumer behavior; Decision making; Utility type; Ideal type; Feedback type; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 成人教育在世界各進步國家越來越受到重視,而且成人教育在世界教育潮流中已成為主流之一。而成人教育中之要素之一,即在職進修教育。本研究之旨趣便在於探討在職人士,參與碩士課程在職進修的影響因素之分析。而在我國推廣終身學習的過程中,參與大學進修教育漸漸成為一種消費行為;進修者選擇購買合適的教育課程的知識供自己或企業組織使用。因此,本研究首先依據文獻探討瞭解消費者行為與進修參與者的行為模式之關係;並彙集各中外學者歷年來之相關研究,以編製研究問卷。其次以218位在職人士為對象,以本研究編製之參與在職進修決策因素量表實施問卷調查,並分析結果。 本研究依回收問卷之資料分析,彙整出12點影響在職人士參與在職進修之成人教育的決策因素。因素如下:1. 組織升遷、調薪的規定;2. 主管及上級單位的態度;3. 重返校園的憂慮;4. 工作負荷因素;5. 學校因素;6. 社會對在職進修的期望;7. 社會價值觀;8. 同儕關係;9. 家庭阻礙因素;10. 組織對在職進修的期望與規章制度;11. 成長需求的心理因素;12. 生命中的重要他人的影響。另外,本研究並分析了不同特徵與態度之在職人士,其參與在職進修決策因素與進修計劃之成人教育之差異。發現可分為三種組典型:功利型、理想型、回饋型。本研究依據此項發現,提出了對於個人、學校、組織、相關機構等方面的具體建議,供作個人生涯規劃、企業組織人力資源訓練發展、其他相關機構、及後續相關研究之用 |
英文摘要 | Adult education is increasing in importance and becoming a part of the mainstream in world-wide educational programs. One important element in adult education is in-service education. This article analyses in-service participants’ decision-making with regard to enrolling in a graduate-level academic program. In our research findings, twelve factors were found which influenced in-service participants’ decision-making: 1. organizational promotion and compensation rules; 2. supervisory and managerial attitudes toward adult education; 3. anxieties concerning returning to school; 4. work loads; 5. academic causes; 6. social expectations; 7. social values; 8. collegial relationships; 9. family obstacles; 10. organizational expectations and rules concerning adult education; 11. growth needs; 12. important people in an individual’s life. In addition, three canonical correlations and two discriminant functions were also implemented in order to understand the differences among the decision-making processes of different in-service participants. The applications of these research findings are either for personal use, such as career planning, or for organizational use, such as human resource training and development, lifelong-learning popularization, etc. |