題 名 | 中共及日本在東北亞的角色=The Roles of PRC and Japan in Northeast Asia |
作 者 | 楊志恆; | 書刊名 | 遠景季刊 |
卷 期 | 2:4 2001.10[民90.10] |
頁 次 | 頁29-55 |
分類號 | 578.193 |
關鍵詞 | 地緣政治; 地緣戰略; 瀕海大國; 海權; 亞洲區域主義; 新安全觀; Geopolitics; Geostrategy; Powerful ocean and coastal country; Sea power; Asian regionalism; New security view; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 中共及日本是東北亞兩個大國,由於地緣政治關係在地緣戰略上有著難以妥協的利益矛盾,尤其是在冷戰結束以來,中共已調整為瀕海大國的地緣戰略,和海權國家的日本之衝突更為直接。不過,雙方在外交政策上都儘量避免短兵相接,對對方的利益也一併納入自己的長期戰略利益中。中共和日本在東北亞的角色就在這種戰略佈局較勁中更為明顯,目前雙方走的都是「立足東北亞,放遠亞洲,走向世界」的路線。然而,在東北亞兩國戰略衝突的焦點是在臺灣,臺灣對兩國實現其地緣戰略都是關鍵角色,誰爭取到臺灣的支持,誰將是最後贏家。日本現已逐漸調整對兩岸政策的基調,尤其是小泉政府重視自由民主主義的價值觀,並視之為戰略利益或威脅的判斷標準。由於臺灣去年政黨輪替,民主化成就非凡,也因此,日本已逐漸重視和臺灣關係的發展,加上日本已把美日安保視為維護亞太和平穩定的公共財,對於未來臺海有事保持相當彈性的參與空間。對臺灣而言,為了使國家利益得到更大的伸張,也應該要有自己的地緣戰略才是,臺灣甚至可以在「中」、日的東北亞戰略中,尋求可以接軌的地緣戰略。 |
英文摘要 | PRC and Japan are the biggest tow in Northeast Asia. Since the geopolitical relations, there is much conflict between both geostrategies. Especially after cold war, PRC has adjusted his geostrategy as the powerful ocean and coastal country. There will be more conflict with Japan which is a sea power country directly. Nevertheless, in foreign policies, both of the two countries did their best to avoid conflict occurring, and tried to integrate the opposite interest into their nolg term strategies. The roles of PRC and Japan are very clear in their strategies. Now, "stand in Northeast Asia, view to Asia, to be a political and economical big country in the world" is the road to the both. On the other hand, Taiwan plays a very important role for PRC and Japan in their geostrategies. Who could acquire Taiwan's support will be the winner. Now, Japan has adjusted his policy to PRC and ROC. Koizumis's government lays emphasis on the value of liberal democracy as his basic principle of foreign policy to PRC and ROC. It was the new standard for Japan to judge which is the strategic partner and competitor. Taiwan, since last May the political power peace exchange, has become as a mature democracy. Therefore, Japan has emphasized the development of both sides relations gradually. Furthermore, Japan viewed the U.S.-Japan alliance as the public goods in maintaining the peace and stable Asia-Pacific area. Japan reserves himself much flexibility for participating in Taiwan-Strait conflict. For Taiwan, in order to enlarger national interest between the strategies of PRC and Japan, he has better design his own geostrategy, and search for the connection to these strategies which are suitable to Taiwan's interest. @@@ |