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題 名 | 新聞工作者的社會智能--再論記者與消息來源之互動=On News Reporter's Social Intelligence |
作 者 | 臧國仁; 鍾蔚文; 楊怡珊; | 書刊名 | 新聞學研究 |
卷 期 | 69 2001.10[民90.10] |
頁 次 | 頁55-93 |
分類號 | 895.1 |
關鍵詞 | 新聞記者; 消息來源; 互動; 社會智能; 專家知識; 新聞情境; Reporters; News sources; Social intelligence; Interaction; Expert knowledge; News context; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究延續過去幾年對新聞專家生手研究之興趣,討論記者與消息來 源間的互動如何涉及自我與他人之間的社會智能(social intelligence),並以一九 九七年六月發生之名作家「林清玄再婚」事件為研究個案,探討首先獨家揭發此 案的某媒體記者如何運用社會智能完成採訪任務。 本研究以「自我/他人」與「認知/執行」兩個面向(四個象限)為基本架構,分 析該記者如何以過去交情獲林清玄之首肯接受訪問,次則接受林之條件以「報喜 訊(而非緋聞)」為新聞主軸進而取得林之信賴甚至主動提供照片。然而在新聞 寫作中,該記者一方面採取保護林的立場委婉寫出事件真相,另方面則在字裡行 間仔細推敲,向讀者暗示林清玄欺騙前妻且言行不一致的行徑。 投稿日期:2001年4月8日;通過日期:2001年6月8日。 本研究以單一個案進行分析,的確發現某記者在與消息來源(即本案之名作家林 清玄)互動過程中大量運用個人知識與經驗,揣測對方需求與條件,並充分體察 各種情境限制,在極短時間內完成工作任務,可謂掌握了工作任務、內外在情境、 以及策略與目標三者的協調一致,足以顯示社會智能對記者與消息來源互動的重 要影響。 |
英文摘要 | In this paper, the concept of "social intelligence" was used to explain a reporter's ability in executing his news assignment facing the pressure from news sources. In other words, the concept was referred to how a reporter develops the strategy, under the constraint from the context, to deal with all the challenges in news interviews. We used a news event, which drew close society-wide attention in July, 1997, as our case to closely examine how a senior reporter successfully received permission to talk to this famous writer who was involved in an extramarital scandal. The case was obviously not unique but popular and could easily be examined in the reporter's daily routines. Simply put, a reporter has to clearly understand his/her own knowledge and experience for the assigned task, and in the meantime he or she needs to get familiar with the source's background, needs, as well as the constraints from the context. That means, personal task, understanding of people's needs, and context may be considered as the three important factors for the concept of social intelligence for the reporters. |