題 名 | 孟子的經濟思想探微=On the Economic Thoughts of Mencius |
作 者 | 柯德仁; | 書刊名 | 中原學報 |
卷 期 | 29:4 2001.12[民90.12] |
頁 次 | 頁457-465 |
分類號 | 121.26 |
關鍵詞 | 孟子; 戰國; 恒產論; 義利; Mencius; Warring states; Discourse on real estate; Righteousness and profit; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 春秋戰國之世,在社會政治產生重大動盪的影響下,各國諸侯的經濟環境也發生了巨大變化,科技的發展促進了生產力的提高,並由此引發了土地所有權及賦稅制度的變化,進而促進了城市及工商業的興起。在這個歷史發展時期,由於社會實際的需要,一些思想家通過政治實踐,愈來愈意識到經濟的重要性,於是開始重視經濟繁榮途徑的探討,並由此形成了一些較有代表性的觀點。 本文探討:身為當時顯學大思想家孟子的經濟思想理論,分別討論他對稅賦的看法,社會分工的主張以及他對「利」的看法,當然他提出的「↑互產論」更是孟子經濟思想的核心,我們也略為討論。最重要的是,孟子的經濟思想是以仁政學說為基礎,貫穿整個經濟理論,實現孔子「囡民之所利而利之」的經濟原則,實有極為重要的論述。 孟子時代百家之說盛行,尤其法家思想更為當時統治者所採用,然而孟子注重生產財富根源,並能兼顧協調統治者與被統治者之問利益的做法,比之法家急功近利、暴政聚斂的做法高出一籌。總之,孟子的經濟思想中,充分體現了富民、重民的基本精神,值得後人重視。 |
英文摘要 | During the eras of Spring and Autumn and the War ring States, the social and political unrest brought about tremendous changes in the economic conditions of each feudal state. The technological advancement improved productivity. Hence, it gave rise to changes in the landholding and taxation system. Furthermore, it urged the development of the cities and the flourishing of industry and commerce. At the critical moment of this historical evolvement some greater thinkers who attempted to carry out their political ideals, became more and more aware of the importance of the problems of the economy and began to put forward varied proposals and seek ways to promote economlc prospenty. The purpose of this artic1e is to explore Mencius' economic thought with focus on his viewpoint of taxation system, the labor distribution in society, and the concept of profit. 1n addition, his I"Discourseon Real Estate will also be inc1uded in the discussion. Most important, the economic thought of Mencius is based upon the idea of benevolent government, which is intended to put into realization of Confucius' idea of “givingto the people only such advantages as are really advantageous to them." Mencius advocated his ideas in a time during which one hundred different schools of thought flourished and each offered different solution to the problems of political turmoil. The other competing school was Lega1ism whose ideas and methods were favored and adopted by many feudal rulers. Nevertheless, Mencius' concerns for the social welfare of the governed and the counterba1ancing virtue in his argument for the benevolence in government, in the end, overshadowed the schemes of the Legalist School which stressed quick success and instant benefit, tyrannical rule and extortion. 1n all, the significance of theeconomic thought of Mencius lies in his fundamental principle of considering the people more important than the ruler and making people prosper, which is worthy of attention in modern time. |