題 名 | 由乾隆肅貪看柴大紀案=An Examination of the Case of Ch'ai Ta-chi from the Perspective of Kao-tsung's Effiorts to Stamp out Corruption |
作 者 | 許雪姬; | 書刊名 | 故宮學術季刊 |
卷 期 | 19:1 民90.秋 |
頁 次 | 頁195-226+303 |
分類號 | 627.4 |
關鍵詞 | 諸羅; 柴大紀; 清高宗; 福康安; Chu-lo; Ch'ai Ta-chi; Ch'ing Kao-tsung; Fu K'ang-an; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 乾隆朝是清帝國由盛轉衰的關鍵,而貪污則是侵蝕國家根本的重要原因,為了振衰起敝,清高宗對打擊貪污案絕不心慈手軟。乾隆朝的貪污案有以下幾個特色:一是大案多,贓銀甚巨;第二是要案頻,屢懲不絕;第三是手段多,貪贓有術;第四是牽涉廣,贓伙甚眾;中國第一歷史檔案館所編的《乾隆朝懲辦貪污檔案選編》就選擇了「雲貴總督�琱撠ИR黃金勒屬員案」、「原山西布政使蔣洲侵虧□項勒派屬員案」、「貴州巡撫良卿等骫法婪贓侵虧□項案」、「雲南布政使錢度貪婪骫法案」、「葉爾羌辦事大臣高樸私賣玉石案」、「雲貴總督李侍堯貪縱營私案」等十七大案的檔案。臺灣在清代有沒有類似的大案子呢?有關臺灣發生的柴大紀案,其株連不可謂不廣,大抵在乾隆三十一年以後之文武相關人員都必須分攤行政責任,在清代臺灣史而言也算是空前大案,但相關研究仍有不足。本文擬由乾隆肅貪的角度來看柴大紀案的形成經過,並擬試探林夾文事件後的賞罰是否有滿漢的畛域存在。而審擬貪黷的四部曲:動用酷刑以示嚴懲不貸、實行株連以儆效尤、查抄家產以實內府庫藏、削官革職以示發落懲治,如何落實在柴大紀案上。 |
英文摘要 | The Ch'ien-lung reign marks the turning point between the rise and fall of the Ch'ing dynasty. Official corruption stood at the heart of this decline. The Emperor Kao-tsung, in an effort to revive the moral authority of the dynasty, was ruthless in his persecution of corruption cases. Cases of corruption during the Ch'ien-lung reign have the following noteworthy characteristics: one, many large cases dealing with massive amounts of financial graft; two, frequent serious cases which repeated punishments failed to remedy; three, diverse example of different types of corruption involving substantial amounts of wealth; four, cases implicating large number of households. The Selected Cases of Disciplinary Action Taken Against Corruption During the Ch'ien-lung Reign (Ch'ien-lung-ch'ao ch'eng-pien t'an-wu tang-an hsuan-pien), published by China's First Historical Archives, contains a total of seventeen major cases dating from the Ch'ien-lung reign. Are there similar cases concerning Taiwan from the same period? What of the case of Ch'ai Ta-chi, the broad implications of which ensured that, from 1766 on, virtually all civil and military officials shared administrative responsibilities. While the case was an unprecedented event in Taiwan's history, its details and greater significance to the history of the period have, to date, largely escaped scholarly attention. This paper aims to improve this situation by shedding light on the Ch'ai Ta-chi case and analyzing its development from the perspective of Kao-tsung's efforts to eliminate corruption. It also attempts to determine whether or not, in the wake of the Lin Shuang-wen incident, the official system of rewards and punishments drew a distinction between men of Han and Manchu descent. Lastly, it investigates the degree to which the four primary means of dealing with corruption (severe punishments to demonstrate the strict stance of the government, punishment of all implicated individuals as warning against association with corruption, confiscation of property, and demotion or dismissal) were applied to the Ch'ai Ta-chi case. |