題 名 | 以質的研究取向--初探本土優秀運動員的心理特性=A Qualitative Approach--The Exploration of Psychological Characteristics of Elite Athletes in Taiwan |
作 者 | 鄭溫暖; 廖主民; | 書刊名 | 體育學報 |
卷 期 | 31 2001.09[民90.09] |
頁 次 | 頁159-170 |
分類號 | 528.914 |
關鍵詞 | 質的研究法; 深度訪談; 內容分析; Qualitative research method; Content analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究採「質」的研究法,探討本土優秀運動員的心理特性,主要目的是希望深 入了解優異的運動表現是否具有一些共同的心理特徵,以作為執行心理訓練的參考。兩位研 究者分別以「深度訪談」的方式收集資料,包括射箭、射擊、高爾夫、體操、田徑、游泳及 長跑之國家級教練、選手共二十二位,再運用「內容分析」整理描述性的資料,經過研討後 共得出九十五句有意義之敘述句,以歸納的方式分為十三個類別,此十三類又進一步歸為五 大向度並加以命名。所以本研究結果顯示本土優秀運動員的心理特性至少應包含「調整能力 」、「情緒掌控」、「動機」、「信心」及「自控性」。 |
英文摘要 | This study explored the psychological characteristics of elite athletes in Taiwan by using qualitative research method. The aim is to examine the psychological foundations underlining successful sport performance. Two researchers interviewed twenty-two participants including athletes and coaches of national level from sports of shooting, archery, golf, gymnastics, track & field, swimming, and distant running. Content analysis was performed to analyze the qualitative data. Ninety-five quotes were drawn from interview transcripts and five major themes were emerged during inductive analysis process. Major themes characterizing the Taiwan elite athletes were adjusting strategy、 emotional control、motivation、confidence、and self-control. |