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題 名 | 從亞太經合會之發展與挑戰看臺灣的因應策略:政治與經濟的分析=The Developmental Challenges of APEC and Taiwan's Strategies: An Analysis of Politics and Economics |
作 者 | 宋鎮照; | 書刊名 | 遠景季刊 |
卷 期 | 2:3 2001.07[民90.07] |
頁 次 | 頁51-85 |
分類號 | 553.176 |
關鍵詞 | 亞太經合會; 臺灣; 東協; 中共; 美國; 貿易自由化; 經濟技術合作; APEC; Taiwan; ASEAN; China; USA; Trade liberalization; Ecotech; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 亞太地區漸成世異經濟的重心,而亞太經濟合作會議(APEC)又是促進亞太地區經濟發展的主體,當臺灣積極參與亞太和國際事務時,如何經營與深耕亞太經合會無疑是臺灣邁向國際化與區域化的第一步。基於此,本文有三個主要的研究重點:一是探討亞太經合會發展之挑戰與困境;二是瞭解臺灣在亞太經合會發展中,可能面臨之挑戰與機遇;三是臺灣在亞太經合會中可以採取的策略。此外,在本文的分析方法上,將從政治與經濟整合研究觀點切入,來解析亞太經合會發展的政經互動關係和臺灣在該組織中的定位與因應之道。 |
英文摘要 | tHE Asia-Pacific region becomes an important center of world economy. The economy of APEC is seen as a main body of Asia-Pacific region. In order to approach for Asia-Pacific and global economy, Taiwan has no doubt to actively participate APEC as first step for regionalization and globalization. Therefore, there are three major parts emphasized in this paper. Firstly, the dilemma and challenges of APEC process will be discussed. Secondly, it will further examine Taiwan's position in APEC and what challenges Taiwan will encounter. Thirdly, it will discuss what strategy Taiwan will adopt to deal with her restrictions. Besides, on the methodological analysis, a view of polities and economics will be employed, in order to understand closely the political-economic interactions of APEC and the location of Taiwan in APEC. |