題 名 | 中輟少年的復學適應:傳統復學模式與另類復學途徑之比較=The Adaptation of Returning Dropouts: Comparing the Conventional and Alternative Education Programs |
作 者 | 程秋梅; 陳毓文; | 書刊名 | 臺大社會工作學刊 |
卷 期 | 4 2001.06[民90.06] |
頁 次 | 頁45+47-96 |
分類號 | 527.4 |
關鍵詞 | 中輟生; 復學適應; 生態觀點; Dropouts; Adjustment; The ecological perspective; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 雖然協助復學是目前國內處遇中輟生的最終目標,然而復學往往只是個起點,這些少年仍然要面臨許多的適應問題。因此,本研究是以中輟復學少年為對象,以生態觀點為基礎,來檢視其復學後之學習、人際、行為與自我接納的適應情況。除此之外,由於目前教育單位在回歸普通班復學的傳統管道外,亦提供了另類的教育內涵,讓這些少年能進入不同的復學環境,故本研究遂進一步比較:對進入傳統復學模式與另類復學途徑的少年而言,其適應狀況上可能存在的差異性。在研究設計上,乃是以復學處遇系統之差異為主要的抽樣指標,並採用深度訪談的方式來進行資料收集工作,結果共有十位復學少年接受訪談。 從受訪者的經驗中可看到:「復學」往往只是一個開始,這些少年在復學 路上仍要面臨許多挑戰,除了學習適應,行為、人際以及自我接納等方面的學習更是不斷地衝擊著他們的復學之路。不過當少年內在的自我認知與外在環境能提供支持時,其復學後的生活基金難免顛簸,少年堅持下去的動機卻會增強許多。此外,相較於傳統回普通班就讀的復學模式,另類復學環境對受訪者之期待有較多的彈性空間,也使得少年的適應狀況較佳。不過,另類復學環境亦衍生出一些新的適應問題,如:標籤效應與團體歸屬感不易凝聚。整體而言,師生關係是協助他們復學穩定的堅強後盾,良好的師生互動有利於復學後的適應;而受訪者內在的自我認知與掌控能力亦是影響復學適應之關鍵。本研究最後提出幾點建議以提供實務工作與政策擬定之參考。 |
英文摘要 | Helping dropouts to return to school is the ultimate goal of intervention in Taiwan; and most of them have to adjust themselves for the new school life. On the basis of the ecological perspective, this study attempts to investigate the adjustment of these students from the aspects of learning, social interaction, behavior, and self-acceptance. In addition, the study compares the conventional and alternative education programs in terms of their effectiveness in helping these returning dropouts' adaptation. Qualitative data were gathered via personal interviews with ten dropouts who had returned to schools. Among these students, two were sampled from the traditional program and eight were from four different alternative programs. Analyses of these data indicate that returning to school is just a starting point, these students still have to face various challenges coming from all aspects of life. In addition to learning problems, which actually existed before they first left school, there are other problems. However, if these students are able to cognitively accept the second chance, and can receive support from their environment, their motivation to continue the education is increased. In comparing with the traditional program, students attending the alternative education programs seem to cope better, because the latter allows more flexibility in the curriculum, as well as chances to establish better interaction with teachers and other students. The potential disadvantage of the alternative program is the labeling effect and the lack of cohesiveness. Finally, two factors are especially important to help these students adjust, one is good interaction with teachers, and the other is the student's sense of self -control. Implications for future interventions are suggested. |