題 名 | 臺灣性侵害受害者服務政策之困境分析--談官方性侵害防治中心的服務困境=The Analyses of the Rape Victims Service Policies in Taiwan--The Problems of Government Rape Crisis Centers |
作 者 | 王燦槐; | 書刊名 | 社會文化學報 |
卷 期 | 12 2001.06[民90.06] |
頁 次 | 頁115-131 |
分類號 | 587.52 |
關鍵詞 | 性侵害受害者; 性侵害危機處理中心; 社工員服務態度; 社工員服務困境; 性侵害受害者服務流程; Rape victims; Rape crisis centers; Victim service policies; Social workers' service attitudes; Social workers' service difficulties; Standard procedures of case management for rape victims; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究探討台灣性侵害防治中心的功能與困境,並與美國性侵害防治中心作一比較,經由督導與研究資料蒐集的過程,作者發現台灣性侵害防治中心的困境歸類如下:社工員的處理模式缺乏個案管理的流程、社工員被動的服務、社工員的工作習慣、社工員的轉介方式、社工員的價值觀衝突、社工員與服務對象之關係、和資源網絡無法有效利用,這些困境的形成原因可分為:政策制定單位的專業背景、心理諮商人員缺乏官方的管道、心理諮商人員的證照問題、助人專業之間缺乏溝通與團隊合作的概念、社會普遍缺乏對「人」的尊重態度、國人教育經驗中沒有重視個別差異與心理健康的素養、受害者沒有自覺。總之,目前我國性侵害防治中心的困境,有制度面的也有文化層面的。改進之方向在專業上應制定與訓練社工員的專業標準流程;在政策上應修正使性侵害防治中心的專業人員多元化,非只有社工員;通過心理諮商師法,讓心理諮商師進入防治中心,成為專業團隊一員。 |
英文摘要 | This study investigates the functions and difficulties of Taiwan's rape crisis centers. We compare them with the rape crisis centers in the U.S. From the supervision and data collections of these centers, the researcher found that there were several types of difficulties lied in Taiwan's government-sponsored rape crisis centers: lack of case management standard procedures, social workers' passive attitudes, working habits, referral methods, conflicts of values, relationships with the clients, and no efficient use of the professional network. The reasons behind these difficulties may be: the limited professional background in the policy-making unit, the counseling profession excluded from the government, lack of certificates of the counseling professions in Taiwan, little cooperation among various helping professions, the lack of respect for individual in society, lack of appreciation of mental health and individual differences in society, and lack of victims' self-awareness. These difficulties had both rooted in both policy and culture. The remedies should be: diversify the professions inside rape crisis centers, not just having social workers; the legislation of certificates for counseling profession, and let them join these rape crisis centers to help victims' counseling needs. |