題 名 | 道家老學與《周易》經傳思想脈絡詮釋=An Interpretation on the Philosophical Relationship between Laozi, Daoist, Yijing and Yizhuan |
作 者 | 陳鼓應; | 書刊名 | 臺大文史哲學報 |
卷 期 | 54 民90.05 |
頁 次 | 頁201-226 |
分類號 | 091 |
關鍵詞 | 老子; 道家; 黃老; 周易; 顯題化; Laozi; Yijing; Daoist; Unthematic; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文借取當代西方詮釋學中由未顯題化到顯題化的詮釋原則,就《易經》、道家《老子》與《易傳》三者之脈絡發展加以探討。認為《易經》中未顯題化的思維透過《老子》等道家學派逐步顯題化的發展,成為《易傳》對《易經》進行詮釋所根據的最主要思想來源。 首先說明周易古經與老子思想的內在聯繫,其次就《老子》與《易傳》之哲學概念由未顯題化到顯題化的發展加以討論。指出:(1)《易傳》繼承老子道與陰陽之概念,並進一步發展成命題,同時也顯示了由生成論轉向本體論的思考傾向。(2)道器問題在《老子》並未顯題化,《易傳》不僅繼承《老子》所隱含的思想內容,並在詮釋引申的過程中,將道器範疇加以顯明,給予清晰的界定。(3)《易傳》的太極生成說本於老子及黃老。(4)《易傳》三才之道淵源於《老子》。(5)〈繫辭〉謂「探賾索隱」、「微顯闡幽」,乃依循老莊形上學認識論的進路,「研幾」、「知幾」,則是老子「微明」之變文。(6)在老子哲學中,剛柔概念主要只是做為一種人生哲學的態度,尚未成為被明確顯揚的論述主題。《易傳》則將剛柔概念提昇至萬物化生的宇宙論層次,並將剛柔概念正式與陰陽結合,加以抽象的思考。(7)老子對於變化議題的思考,只是作為其整體思想中依附於道論中的隱伏線索;〈彖傳〉的變化觀與老莊自然觀同一系脈,〈繫辭〉則運用道家的變動觀來詮釋《易》卦的形成,且其「問題意識」已出現以變化本身為重心的傾向。 總結而言,本文探討《易經》源泉與老子哲學觀念的聯繫,重點在於疏理老子與道家哲學概念發展成為《易傳》的哲學範疇與命題之間的思想線索。各項論述,其主旨皆在於論証先秦易學哲學之引「道」入《易》,已完成其哲學化的過程。 |
英文摘要 | Applying the hermeneutical method, which purports that latent ideas in earlier texts are futher articulated in later texts, this paper discusses the relationship between the Yijing, the Laozi and the Yizhuan. First the relationship between the Yijing and the Laozi is shortly discussed; the main argument is focusing on the formulation on certain philosophical ideas in the Yizhuan that were only latent in the Laozi. The following conclusions are reached: 1. The Yizhuan inherits the YinYang thinking of the Laozi to give it its own ontological interpretation. 2. The relationship between dao and qi, which is only latent in the Laozi, is articulated in the Xici zhuan giving in the process dao and qi a clearly defined meaning. 3. The taiji theory in the Yizhuan originates in earlier daoist thinking. 4. The theory of the three abilities (san cai) in the Yizhuan is derived from the Laozi. 5. The epistemological method of “investigating the obscure” put forward in the Yizhuan goes back to the Laozi. 6. In the Laozi the two concepts of gangrou are restricted to the realm of human affairs, the Yizhuan develops these notions to formulate its cosmological theory. 7. Contemplating change Laozi strongly relies on his theory of the dao. The notion of change in the Tuanzhuan follows Laozi and Zhuangzi in its view, the xici zhuan takes the notion up to explain, how the diagrams (gua) in the Yijing came into being. To summarize, the main purpose of this paper is to clarify, how the certain daoist concepts were turned into philosohical categories in the Yizhuan. It is shown that pre-qin thought concerning the Yijing heavily relied on daoist thinking to formulate a philosophical interpretation of the Yijing. |