題 名 | Comparison of Lactate Threshold Using Plasma and Whole Blood Lactate during a Ramp-Pattern Exercise in Dyspneic Patients=比較呼吸困難病人在執行漸進式運動時使用血漿及全血乳酸鹽濃度測定乳酸閾值之差異 |
作 者 | 何松融; 林逸芬; 莊銘隆; 林昌生; 林孟志; 曹昌堯; | 書刊名 | 胸腔醫學 |
卷 期 | 16:2 2001.06[民90.06] |
頁 次 | 頁80-88 |
分類號 | 415.41 |
關鍵詞 | 乳酸鹽閾值; 漸進式運動測驗; Lactate threshold; Incremental exercise; Amperometric technique; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 目的:乳酸鹽閾值一直被用來做為體能狀況的重要指標。然而血漿中乳酸鹽的測定需要使用高氯酸鹽溶液將全血去蛋白化因而耗費較多的人力與成本。在本實驗中我們以漸進式運動肺功能檢查的病人為對象,分別以血漿及血為樣本來測量乳酸鹽的濃度及測定乳酸鹽閾值,比較以兩種樣本所測量的閾值有無差異。 實驗設計:共48位轉介至本院運動心肺功能實驗室之病人進入本實驗,43位慢性阻塞性肺病及5位無特定診斷的病人;年齡介於23至76歲。每位病人均接受漸進式運動心肺功能測驗並達到病人之運動極限。分別在休息、無負荷,及開始荷負運動起的每一分鐘接受臂動脈血取樣,並先以安培計畫酵素皆析法進行全血的乳酸鹽濃度分析,其餘樣本則用以分析血漿水中之乳酸鹽濃度。 結果:整體上全血所測得的乳酸鹽值較血漿低而兩者的相互關連性極高(r值0.97, P<0.0001)。在運動期間血漿及全血之乳酸鹽值在閾值前大致上成平行關係;在閾值後血漿的乳酸鹽值增加幅度較全血大。分別以血漿及全血乳酸值所推定之乳酸鹽閾?在統計學上無明顯差異(5.4±1.7 vs. 5.5±1.8 min, P>0.05)。 結論:在漸進式運動測驗中血漿中乳酸鹽值的變化趨勢與全血中乳酸鹽值變化類似,以血漿中乳酸鹽值所推定之閾?與以全血中乳酸鹽值所推定之閾值並無不同。因此,我們推論可以測定全血之乳酸鹽值來測定乳酸鹽閾值。 |
英文摘要 | Objective: The lactate threshold (LT) has been an important marker for physical fitness. Processing the plasma lactate assay usually requires more time and manpower to spin the deproteinated whole blood in the perchlorate solution. We decide to use whole blood (WB) lactate instead of plasma (PL) lactate to save time while we determined the LT (turning-point) of a ramp-pattern exercise test. Thus we determined the LT from WB and PL lactated levels. Design: This study was a comparative investigation and was followed up for one year. Setting: A referral cardiopulmonary exercise testing lab of a medical center. Patients: forty-eight dyspneic patients (43 COPD and five without a specific diagnosis), aged 23-76 years, were enrolled into the study. Investigations: Each subject performed a ramp-pattern exercise test, to his limit of tolerance, using a gas exchange measurement. Blood from the brachial artery was sampled at rest, during unloaded cycling, and followed by one sample every minute during the period of increased load exercise. The WB lactate concentration was analyzed using an amperometric, enzymatic technique. The remaining blood was assayed for PL lactate concentrations. Results: The WB lactate levels were systemically lower than the PL lactate levels. The correlation between WB lactate and PL lactate was excellent (r=0.97, P<0.0001). The WB lactate levels were approximately parallel to the PL lactate levels before the turning-point of each subject during the exercise test. After the LT, the slope of increase in plasma lactate was slightly steeper than that of the whole blood lactate. The LT measured with WB lactate was no different from that with PL lactate (5.4±1.7 vs. 5.5±1.8 min, P>0.05). In summary: The pattern of change in plasma lactate is not different from that determined form whole blood lactate, suggesting that the LT can be determined from whole blood. |