題 名 | 兒童對遊具及技術性遊戲行為之遊戲安全與趣味認知=Children's Safety and Entertainment Cognition toward Playground Equipments and Technical Play Behavior |
作 者 | 侯錦雄; 程從沛; 郭彰仁; | 書刊名 | 戶外遊憩研究 |
卷 期 | 14:2 2001.06[民90.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-26 |
分類號 | 523.13 |
關鍵詞 | 技術性遊戲行為; 遊戲設施; 安全認知; 趣味認知; Technical play behavior; Playground equipments; Safety cognition; Entertainment cognition; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的旨在從環境心理的角度,探討在遊具類型與遊戲行為類型的交互作用影響下,兒童對遊戲行為在安全與趣味認知的差異。本研究採用動態像配合結構式問卷針對國小學童之遊戲行為認知進行調查,以瞭解兒童對於技術遊戲行為以及遊具安全程度的看法,另一方面也藉由兒童參與技術性遊戲行為之經驗、興趣偏好的調查結果,分析兒童對技術性遊戲行為之認知差異。 研究的結果發現:(1) 兒童對於遊具安全認知,具有合理的安全性判斷力;(2) 兒童對於遊具的安全評值會因是否有使用行為,而有顯著的差異;(3) 兒童的安全性認知與趣味性認知會因遊具類型不同及遊戲行為不同而有顯著差異;(4) 兒童對遊戲行為的安全性與趣味性認知,受到遊具形式與遊戲行為類型交互作用的影響。 研究結果發現兒童在安全的認知上,明顯受到其他兒童遊戲行為與遊具本身的影響,同時亦受到其他兒童遊戲行為與遊具本身交互作用的影響,因此除了增進遊具本身的安全設計外,教育兒童對於遊具使用方式的正確認識,將有助於兒童正確使用遊具進而減少意外發生。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this research was to investigate, from the perspective of environmental psychology, the interaction effect of the form of playground equipment and playground behavior on children's cognition of playground safety and entertainment. A structured questionnaire combined with several sections of animated movies was used to measure children's perception of technical play behaviors and safety of playground equipment. Children's experiences and preferences of the technical play behavior were also measured to understand their attitude toward the technical play behavior. The result showed that for the cognition of playground equipment's safety, children had the ability to judge the safety of playground equipments reasonably. The second finding was that there was a significant difference in the judgments of children on the safety between playground equipments and when they were used. 3.The children's cognition of safety and entertainment toward behavior on playground equipments was influenced by the form of playground equipments and the class of playground behavior occurring on the equipment. 4.The children's cognition of safety and entertainment toward behavior on playground equipments was influenced by the interaction of the form of playground equipment utilized and the class of playground behavior occurring on that equipment. According to the findings of the study, it is suggested that to decrease the accident in children's play, it is necessary to teach children what is the right way of using playgroud equipments and to raise the safety concern when designing the playground equipment. |