題 名 | 太陽能溫室自動化控制系統之研究與設計 |
作 者 | 蘇丁財; | 書刊名 | 建國學報 |
卷 期 | 20 2001.06[民90.06] |
頁 次 | 頁307-314 |
分類號 | 448.167 |
關鍵詞 | 太陽能電池; 變流器; 可程式控制器; 溫度控制器; 溼度控制器; Solar battery; Inverter; PLC; Temperature control device; Humidity control device; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文係利用太陽能電池發電,經由充放電控制並儲電於蓄電池組,再使用變流器將直流電轉換成交流電,以供應溫室自動化控制系統所需之電力。溫室自動化控制系統,是現代人從事農業改良研究及經營高經濟作物培植之利器,此系統在最佳化控制的情況下,可有效防制病蟲害,並提昇所培植作物之質與量。本系統主要由太陽能光電板、充放電控制裝置、換流器、可程式控制器、溫度控制裝置、溼度控制裝置、光源控制裝置及結構體等組合而成。其利用微電腦可程式控制器(PLC)結合環境感測元件,控制溫度、濕度、光度、通風等裝置,使植物生長盡量不受日夜變化及季節更替所影響,以及利用可程式控制器之預先設定,於控制臺只要以單鍵控制就可選擇設定所需之環境,可避免人為疏失及操作錯誤。本研究不僅融入環保與永續發展的理念,透過本系統之控制,更可提供各種高經濟作物一個最佳生長環境,相信在品質和產量方面,都能獲得明顯的改善與提昇。 |
英文摘要 | This paper is a study of using solar batteries to supply the electric power for the automatic control system of a greenhouse. Rechargeable batteries will be utilized to conserve the electricity that is produced from solar batteries and the electricity will be transformad from DC to AC by using a rectifier upon required. The automatic control system of the greenhouse is essential in the researches of agriculture improvement and in planting high economic-value plants in modein society. When under optimal control, the system will prevent plants from pest effectively and therefore enhance the quality and quantity of the production. The system consists of solar arrays, rechargeable control devices, rectifiers, PLC, temperature control devices, humidity control devices, illumination control devices and structures. By combining PLC with environment sensing devices and devices of temperature control, humidity control, illumination control, and ventilation control, the growth of the plants will hardly be affected by the temperature changes of the outside environment. The control system is designed to be user-friendly through PLC programming, that provides functions such as selecting a pre-set desired environment by pressing a single button. This could also prevent human errors. This study not only carries out the philosophy of environmental protection and preservation of the earth for the next generations, but also provides a best growing environment for various high economic-value plants. It is believed that the quality and quantity of the production will both be improved. |