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題 名 | 污泥停留時間對階梯進流水SBR氮磷去除之影響=Effect of Sludge Retension Time on Nutrient Removal in a Step-Feed Sequencing Batch Reactor |
作 者 | 林瑩峰; 荊樹人; 蘇青瑾; 林俊屹; 施男遜; 盧秀慧; 馬家珍; | 書刊名 | 醫護科技學刊 |
卷 期 | 3:1 2001.01[民90.01] |
頁 次 | 頁55-66 |
分類號 | 445.463 |
關鍵詞 | 階梯進流; 批式反應器; 硝化作用; 脫硝作用; 除磷; 污泥停留時間; Step-feed; Sequencing batch reactor; Nitrification; Denitrification; Phosphate removal; Sludge retention time; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究利用階梯進流配合缺氧/厭氧-好氧三階段交替操作之批式反應器系統(the step-feed alternating anoxic/anaerobic-oxic sequencing batch reactor, SAOSBR),處理含高濃度碳、氮、磷之合成廢水,並探討污泥停留時間(SRT),對系統硝化、脫硝、除磷特性及處理效能的影響。由不同SRT(6、11及21天)試程之操作結果顯示,SRT操作於11及21天時,污泥平均硝化效率>99%、脫硝效率>85%,導致總氮去除效率達89.3-91.6 %。當SRT縮短至6天操作時,因硝化菌被帶出(wash out)之結果,使平均硝化效率降至僅4.2%,脫硝效率亦降至40%,因此總氮去除效率僅為51.4 %。由磷酸鹽去除結果顯示,當SRT操作於11天左右時有最佳之去除效率(平均約97%),SRT減少至60天時,磷酸鹽去除率僅約36%,SRT延長至20天時磷酸鹽去除率亦降至66%。COD的去除不受SRT影響。為了達成處理系統最佳的脫氮除磷效能,SRT應控制在11天左右。 |
英文摘要 | This study investigated the effect of sludge retention time (SRT) on the removal of high concentrations of organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphate in a bench-scale sequencing batch reactor operating with a three-stage alternating anoxic-oxic sequence and step-feed (SAOSBR) to treat synthetic wastewater. The SAOSBR was controlled at a constant volumetric loading rate and operated under various rates of sludge wasted to obtain SRTs of 6, 11, and 21 days. Full nitrification (> 99%) and substantial denitrification (> 85%) efficiencies were achieved with SRTs of 11 and 21 days, resulting in nitrogen removal of 89.3-90.4 %. An SRT of 6 days led to remarkable decreases in both nitrification efficiency (4.2%) and denitrification efficiency (40%) and to a significant reduction in nitrogen removal (51.4%). Maximum phosphate removal of 97 % was observed with an SRT of 11 days. SRTs of 6 days and 21 days led to phosphate removal of 36% and 66%, respectively. The removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) was not affected by SRT. Consequently, the optimal SRT was around 11 days for nutrient removal. |