題 名 | 謝靈運山水詩中的審美經驗=Exploring the Aesthetical Experience Hidden in the Shan-shui Poems (山水詩) of Ling-yun Hsieh (謝靈運) |
作 者 | 朱雅琪; | 書刊名 | 華岡文科學報 |
卷 期 | 24 民90.03 |
頁 次 | 頁93-117 |
分類號 | 851.434 |
關鍵詞 | 謝靈運; 審美經驗; 美學; 美感; 山水詩; 六朝; 南朝; Ling-yun Hsieh; Shan-shui poems; Aesthetical experience; Aesthetics; Six dynasty; Southern dynasty; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 山水詩可說是謝靈運文學上最重要的成就。在山水詩中,靈運並不只是著力於大自然山光水色的描寫,更藉著山水詩抒發了屬於詩人一己的情思,因而架構出了一種相當獨特的審美對待方式與美感生發過程。可以這麼說,身處於南朝劉宋之際皇權再度崛起的社會歷史脈絡下,面對著世家大族實際權力消退、但文化影響力猶存的特殊處境,靈運非但養成了獨特的人格特質,同時更積澱了特殊的審美方式,山水詩的創作即處處流露這種特殊的審美經驗。 本文書寫的目的,主要即希望藉讚對靈運山水詩中主體與客體審美互動模式的觀照,探討其透過景物探玩以滋生美感的特殊審美經驗。除此之外,筆者亦將針對靈運所在的時代社會因素、其本身孤芳自賞的生命歷程要以及當時玄學隱逸思潮的影響進行描述與分析,其能藉此明瞭靈運山水詩中審美經驗所以生發的脈絡,並透過其詩中美感滋生由和諧轉為感傷的變化過程,具體地點出此種「悲憤美學」哀憐自身並否棄現實的絃外之音! |
英文摘要 | As we know, shan-shui poems were the great achievements of the literary writings of Ling-yun Hsieh. In the Shan-shui poems, he not only described the beautiful scenery of natural mountain and water landscape, but also conveyed an abundant moody world, so as to construct a very special generating process of aesthetical experience. Historically speaking, immerged in the social context of the recovering of imperial reign of the Southern Dynasty(南朝), and facing the special condition of the declining of the real power of aristocratic family-groups whose cultural influences still existed, Ling-yun and not only cultivated an special personality, but also erected a distinguished way of aesthetical gazing. The writing of this paper, firstly, aims to explore the aesthetic experience generated through the manipulating process which Ling-yun as a subject imposed on the landscape as an object. Besides, the author will investigate the contextual factors deliberately, so as to disclose the authentic meaning of Ling-yun's aesthetics of grief-and-anger. |