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題 名 | 臺灣靈芝之品種與鑑定=Identification and Evaluation of Ling Chih in Taiwan |
作 者 | 蔡宗統; 林進丁; 廖淑女; |
書刊名 | 中國醫藥科學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 2:1 2001.03[民90.03] |
頁 次 | 頁37-45 |
分類號 | 418.5 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣紫芝; 臺灣高山赤芝; 相思赤芝; 子實體; 孢子; 菌管孔; Ganoderma liquidambaricola tsai; Ganoderma alpestis tsai; Ganoderma confusa tsai; Basidiocarp; Basidiospore; Basidiotube; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 真菌類(Eumycophyta)植物之研究在今日已成為新藥開發之寶庫。而靈芝 屬(Ganoderma)植物更是其中之佼佼者,且在治療疾病上傳用已久。然而真菌的子 實體常因生長環境之改變而發生很大的變化,傳統上以其子實體進行感官鑑定品 種的方法實屬不可靠。 本研究選用市面上使用最普遍最多的三種靈芝,即台灣紫芝、台灣高山赤芝,及 相思赤芝進行採種、栽培,取其孢子在光學顯微鏡及電子顯微鏡下做鑑定,同時 以其子實體水抽取液進行急性毒性試驗及其離子含量之測定,以期能提供研究者 一個基本的概念與參考。 由實驗結果得知三種靈芝水抽取液之PH值在5.0至6.5間,均屬弱酸性。三種靈 芝之LD50均在250g/kg以上,幾乎無毒性作用。在三種水抽取液中台灣高山赤芝 所含之鉀離子(K)平均為77.76±8.90meq/λ、鈣離子(Ca)平均值為24.24±4.67 meq/λ、 及磷(P)平均值為102.03±11.43 meq/λ較高。而相思赤芝水抽取液所含氯離子(CI) 平均值為40.00±5.74 meq/λ較高。從掃描式電子顯微鏡攝影結果可知三種靈芝之 孢子均成橢圓形,似梨子狀,但赤芝孢子之表面佈滿許多圓凹,而紫芝孢子之表 面卻有明顯縱走的深溝且溝內側具有許多孔。紫芝之寬蒂距平均最長達 9.06±1.43μm。紫芝、高山赤芝及相思赤芝之子實層菌管孔數分別為28±6,56±9 及32±7個。其中高山赤芝數目最多,均比其餘二種靈芝呈顯著性差異(P<0.05)。 菌管口間距以紫芝最長達103.12±15.08μm,幾乎為其他二種靈芝之二倍。而菌管 口直徑以相思赤芝為最寬,達165.01±21.38μm,均比其餘二種靈芝呈顯著性差異 (P<0.01)。在品種的鑑定上可由不同大小的圓凹、不同數量與不同位置的菌管孔 及菌管口是很容易來辨識其品種的。並且經由菌管孔之形狀、菌管口的間距、數 量可將近似的品種分開來。因為三種靈芝之水抽取液幾乎無毒性的特質,更是新 藥開發最有利的條件。 |
英文摘要 | It has been become a great treasures to create a new drug in the plant of Eumycophyta and among which the Ganoderma is the popular one as a traditional medicine usage for a long time. The fruit body of Eumycophyta varies greatly in accord with growth environment. A traditional test method for distinguishing the species of Eumycophyta by testing fruit body with sensory organs is incredible. Three kinds of popular Ganoderma found in market had been used in this study in planting and in determing spores. Their acute toxification and the contents of ions had been tested with the water extracts from fruit body to establish a fundamental data for researchers. The results shown that the pH of all three kinds of ganoderma, GLDE, GALDE, GCFDE, is among 5.0 to 6.5, a weak acidity. The ions content of the water extract from GALDE is the highest among three Ganoderma and K, Ca, P, are 77.76 meq/l, 24.24 meq/l, 102.03 meq/l, respectively, and while the Cl ion content is the largest in GCFDE. The shape of basidiospore from three kinds of Ganoderma under SEM shows oval. Many oval pockets present in the surface of basidiospore from GLDE, while in GALDE shows many deep longitudinal tunnels in which containing with micropockets. It is easy to recognize the species from their different shape and size of oval pocket and from the variable quantity and localization of tunnel and pore. Meanwhile, it is easy to separate from other species by shape, interval distance, and quantity of tunnel and pore in the ovalpocket of Eumycophyta. The LD50 among the three Ganoderma are all over 250 g/kg. Its edible property is valuble for a good conditon of developing a new drug. |