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題 名 | 短期心理治療的誕生與發展--兼論心理治療派典的轉移=The History of Brief Psychotherapy-and the Paradigm Shifts in Psychotherapy |
作 者 | 陳秉華; | 書刊名 | 中華輔導學報 |
卷 期 | 9 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁169-197 |
分類號 | 178.8 |
關鍵詞 | 短期心理治療; 短期心理治療的治療效果; 短期心理治療的治療因素; 派典的轉移; 互動系統觀; 脈絡主義; Brief therapy; Effectiveness of brief therapy; Therapeutic factor of brief therapy; Paradigm shift; Interactive systemic theory; Contextualism; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文首先回顧在過去二十年間,西方的心理治療領城中短期心理治 療的誕生與發展,以及由短期心理治療的效果研究中,回顧短期心理治 療的療效與治療因素。本文並且由短期心理治療的發展,談到在西方心 理治療史中曾出現的派典的轉移,包括早先的内在心理模式,到1960年 代的互動系統觀樸式,以及1980年之後的脈絡主義治療模式;本文也探 討心理治療派典的轉移背後所反應的社會與文化的意義,以及對心理治 療專業的影響。最後,筆者也期待能夠在東方與中國人的社會文化腺絡 中,誕生另一種心理治療的派典。 |
英文摘要 | The paper began with reviewing the emergence and the development of brief psychotherapy in the west in the past twenty years. Then the effectiveness and therapeutic factors were investigated through the brief therapy process and outcome research findings. The paper also discussed the paradigm shifts throughout the history of western psychotherapy. The early internal psychological paradigm was shifted to the interactive/systemic theory in 1960fs, and then shifted to the post- modern contextualism in 1980’s. The cultural value embedded in the paradigm shifts and the implications to the psychotherapy profession were also addressed. At the end,a need for developing a new paradigm of psychotherapy for Chinese and eastern societies was called. |