題 名 | 西漢《春秋經》成為五經之首之原由=Why did “The Spring and Autumn Annals” Enjoy the Domin ant Voice among the Five Classies in the Western Han? |
作 者 | 張端穗; | 書刊名 | 東海大學文學院學報 |
卷 期 | 41 2000.07[民89.07] |
頁 次 | 頁1-58 |
分類號 | 095 |
關鍵詞 | 春秋經; 歷史意識; 董仲舒; 春秋公羊傳; The Spring and Autumn Annals; Tung chung-shu; Historical consciouseness; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 《春秋經》為何會在西漢時期成為五經之首呢?關於這個問題,大多數學者的答案是:西漢時期以《公秋公羊傳》詮釋為主的《春秦經》主張大一統,君尊臣卑思想,符合了漢帝國體制建立的需要。本文作者也接受這樣的看法,但認為應有更深一層的原因在。這個原因即為國人自西周以來所蘊育的歷史意上的道的顯現。歷史知識由是具有普遍有效性,足為後人借鏡。是以先秦諸子在提出己說時無不以歷史事實為主要論據。這種論證方式愈來愈顯著,也愈來愈有理論上的自覺,顯示歷史在國人心目中的地位愈來愈高。這種歷史意識在漢初終於促使《春秋經》──孔子手著的歷史──自五經中脫穎而出,最後成為五經之首。 |
英文摘要 | Why did the Spring and Autumn Annals become the dominant scripture in the Western Han? One of the main reasons is, agreed by most scholars, that the scared work, supposedly composed by Confucius himself. proposed some principles favored by the emperors, such as the unification of the umpire, the emperor’s superiority to his ministers. The author accepts this judgment, but would like to propose another, even deeper, reason for the fact. The reason is the development of the historical consciousness in the ancient China. Since the every beginning of Chinese history, Chinese have thought that history is the embodiment of the Tao, therefore, history is the reservoir of truth. This view explains why amost all Chinese thinkers during the ancient time argued not by logic but by historical precedents. This view also explains why the Spring and Autumn Annals, a history in itself, therefore a reservoir of truth, enjoyed the dominant voice in the Western Han, |