- 懷山藥新品系TYS8001定植期及栽培密度試驗
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題 名 | 懷山藥新品系TYS8001定植期及栽培密度試驗=Trial of Planting Date and Planting Density of Chinese Yam (Dioscorea batatas) TYS8001 |
作 者 | 龔財立; 姜金龍; 辛仲文; | 書刊名 | 桃園區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 43 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-6 |
分類號 | 434.3 |
關鍵詞 | 山藥; 定植期; 栽培密度; Yam; Planting date; Planting density; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為探討不同定植期及栽培密度對懷山藥新品系TYS8001塊莖性狀及產量之影響,於1999年在桃園縣新屋鄉桃園區農業改良場進行田間試驗,定植期試驗分別於2月28日、3月30日、4月30日、5月30日、6月30日以行株距140×40cm進行定植,而栽培密度試驗採用140×30、140×40、140×50、140×60及140×70cm等五種處理,試驗設計皆採用逢機完全區集設計,四重複。結果懷山藥TYS8001於2、3、4月定植之塊莖公頃產量較高,為20,508、19,455及20,205kg/ha,定植期愈晚則塊莖分支數增加,薯形變劣,建議栽培懷山藥TYS8001時以2、3、4月下旬定植較適宜。不同栽培密度試驗結果,懷山藥TYS8001以株距30及40cm定植之塊莖公頃產量較高,為19,047及18,285kg/ha,建議懷山藥TYS8001之栽培,行距採140cm,株距以30及40cm定植較適宜。 |
英文摘要 | In order to study the effect of planting date and planting density on the tuberous characteristics and yield of tuber of Chinese yam (Dioscorea batatas Decne) TYS8001, the field trails were conducted at Taoyuan District Agricultural Improvement Station in 1999. Two experiments were both laid out in a randomized complete block design. The planting date experiment were conducted with five treatments of planting date on February 28, March 30,April 30, May 30 and June 30. The planting density experiment were conducted with five treatments of planting density in 140×30, 140×40, 140×50, 140×60 and 140×70 cm. Experiment results indicated that number of tuber branch of early planting date treatment of Chinese yam TYS8001 was less than later planting date treatment. Yield of tuber of Chinese yam TYS8001 of planting date on February 28, March 30, April 30 was higher. Yield of tuber of planting density in 140×30 cm and 140×40 cm was higher, which are 19,047 and 18,285 kg/ha. From the results of experiments, we suggest that the adaptive planting date is from February 28 to April 30, and adequate planting densities are 140×30 cm and 140×40 cm. |