- The Nineteenth Century Christian Mission in China
- 評David Cheung, «Christianity in Modern China: The Making of the First Native Protestant Church»
- Book Review: Christians in China: A.D. 600 to 2000 by Jean-Pierre Charbonnier;Translated by M. N. L. Couve de Murville
- Christian Witness and Resistance in Hong Kong: Faith-based Activism from the Umbrella Movement to the Anti-extradition Struggle
- Democratization and International Relations of the Republic of China: A New Space-Time Concept, New Perspectives
- 日本式生產管理技術移轉之管理策略--中華汽車公司個案
- 中國生產力中心走過44週年
- 票塞《中國與達爾文》和史華慈《中國古代思想界》
- Text and Context--How Texts Get New Meanings
- Paul D. Cravath and China between the Wars