題 名 | 從《紅樓夢》看曹雪芹的律詩創作/品鑒觀=Ts'ao Hsueh-ch'in's Poetics about "Lu-shi" in "the Dream of the Red Chamber" |
作 者 | 歐麗娟; | 書刊名 | 臺大中文學報 |
卷 期 | 13 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁127-161 |
分類號 | 827.26 |
關鍵詞 | 紅樓夢詩論; 律詩創作觀; 虛實對; 摘句式批評; 詩眼; 背面敷粉; The point of view on the creation of Lu-shi(律詩); Poetics in The Dream of the Red Chamber; Critic method of selecting sentences; The critical word of the sentence; Painting from the back; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 曹雪芹藉《紅樓夢》一書所展現的詩論體系中,除了對詩歌之虛構性質、準備工夫、美學標準、創作心理、感發效果都有所揭示之外,就形式技巧的範疇而言,有關「長篇古體」與「律詩」的創作/品鑒亦是其中的重要環節。本文聚焦於「律詩」的部分,統理全書中零散分現的相關敘述而歸納出四個門類,置之於傳統詩論中一一加以闡釋辨析:首先,詮解書中涉及的律詩基本規範,包括起承轉合之結構安排、平仄對偶之格律要求,並進而對林黛玉「虛實對」之誤說,以及學者所提出之辨證進行權衡平議;其次,提發全書具體演出於詩詞創作╱品鑒過程中的摘句式批評方法,分析出曹雪芹對「警句」的論點,乃是一種超越於大半的庸句之上而顯目突出的佳勝詩句,與庸句共同創造一種鬆緊有致、紆餘卓縈之節奏美感,同時也是創作者傾其人才所凝聚而成的心血結晶,因此具有不可持續的特點;復次,對書中存而未論的「詩眼」則挑明其實,分析詩眼的藝術特質與製作方式,並展現出曹雪芹「化俗為雅」的美學觀;最後,從書中點明的「背面敷粉」此一技巧,透析出曹雪芹在詩歌與小說這兩種不同的藝術形式中,都採取了偏向於曲折含蓄的藝術品味。由此可見,曹雪芹在《紅樓夢》的詩歌創作中,對提升創作層次的意所經營更是多所關注,由篇而句而字,從意脈之設計到用字之鍊造皆有所照應,為律詩提供了較完整的創作╱品鑒的竅門。 |
英文摘要 | Ts'ao Hsueh-ch'in's poetry theory reveals itself in The Dream of the Red Chamber. Besides talking about the essence of fiction, aesthetic values, psychology of invention, and moving effects of poems, Ts'ao also elaborates the artery inform, where the creation and criticism of long poems and "Lu-shi" (律詩) are important topics. The paper addresses Ts'ao's view, as revealed through The Dream of the Red Chamber, on the creation and criticism of "Lu-shi". The relevant statements scattered in the novel are collected and arranged into four classifications. We then clarify their meaning and place them in the perspective of traditional poetry theory. First, we interpret what The Dream of the Red Chamber refers to as fundamental principles of "Lu-shi", such as structure arrangement (initiating-following-turning-close, 起承轉合) and the rules of "ping-tze-tuei-ou" (平仄對偶). Whence we discuss a (wrong) opinion of Lin Dai-Yu's on "hsu-shi-tuei" (虛實對), and value the arguments of scholars concerning this issue. Second, exploring the critic method of "selecting sentences" (摘句式批評方法) embodied in the creation-criticism examples in the novel, we can find how Ts'ao views "smart sentences" (警句). He treats smart sentences as single brilliant sentence situated in lots of meager sentences to produce a rhyme of relax and tension. Thus the characteristic of smart sentences lies in its non-durability. They concentrate all the genius and talent of the inventor. Third, the paper demonstrates the reality of "the critical word of sentence" (詩眼). By analyzing the characteristics and the production process of critical words, we show that Ts'ao's aesthetical objective lies in transforming vulgarity into elegancy (化俗為雅). Finally, from the technique of "painting from the back" (背面敷粉), we conclude Ts'ao tends to adopt an indirect, restrained, implicit but suggestive aesthetical tastes in both poetry and novel. On basis of the above four facets, we conclude that through the poetry inventions in The Dream of the Red Chamber Ts'ao provides comprehensive know-hows for "Lu-shi". By discretion from structure, through sentences and down to words, Ts'ao cares about the creative level of ideas-images, the design of idea-stream, and the choice of words. |