題 名 | 乙種木質防火門製造方法及耐火性能探討=The Manufacturing and Fire-Retardant Performance of Thirty Minutes Rating Wooden Fire Doors |
作 者 | 林曉洪; 王秀華; | 書刊名 | 林產工業 |
卷 期 | 19:4 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁477-486 |
分類號 | 474.1 |
關鍵詞 | 木質材料; 無機質材料; 角材; 木質防火門; 曝火面; 非曝火面; 30分鐘防火時效; Wood-based materials; Inorganic materials; Dimension; Wooden fire door; Exposed surface; Unexposed surface; Thirty-minutes fire rating; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以木質與無機質材料積層複合,嘗試各種工法設計,以研製乙種(防火時效30分鐘)木質防火門。分析加熱30分鐘過程中試體之燃燒變化,量測並記錄相關性質。首先以24種組構方式進行複合板製造,做為防火門之中心材,評估各試體之燃燒性質,篩選較佳者供為乙種防火門研製之參考。研究顯示影響防火門背溫高低之因子有:角材厚度;副層間材及中心材種類、厚度、中心材密度等。凡以木質材料為中心材者其試體背溫均低於使用無機纖維棉者。角材厚度較小者,燃燒時產生較嚴重炭化,致試體無法通過衝擊試驗。副層間材為6mm厚氧化鎂板者,其中心材燃燒劣化程度較使用3mm氧化鎂板及7mm玻纖板者低。四種無機纖維棉中心材受熱後之燃燒劣化程度以陶瓷纖維棉最小,其他三者次之且差異不大,而其厚度影響試體非曝火面各層材料之燃燒劣化程度,厚度愈大者非曝火面愈能保持完整性。36組試體背溫均低於260℃合於A種商品之規範'本研究所設計36種製造方式中20種能通過試驗標準。未通過試驗標準者主要失敗於角材之嚴重炭化,尤其安裝鉸鍊處者為甚,爾後有必要予以耐火補強。目前通過標準之試驗工法,擬繼續進行大尺寸試體之製造及耐火性能探討,以明瞭實用產品之性能,提供業界生產時參考。 |
英文摘要 | The thirty minutes rating wooden fire door was manufactured by using various combination of materials and designed processes. Several kinds of inorganic materials were incorperated with wood-based materials to construct the laboratory-scale fire door. Changes of the door specimens through the thirty minutes heating process were examined and recorded. The defects of the specimens exhibited were gradually removed to meet the regulated requirement of the said grade. A number of composite boards were first manufactured from twenty-four combinations of materials to evaluate the burning properties of the products. Thirty-six process were then introduced to produce the thirty minutes rating wooden fire door. . It was found that the thickness of the dimension, material types of sub-central and central boards kinds thickness and density of the boards affect the unexposed surface temperature on burning. Boards comprising of wood-based materials showed lower unexposed surface temperature than those with inorganic fibers. The smaller the dimension thickness, the more serious the carbonization and thus failed the products at the impact test. The incorperation of 6 mm thick magnesium oxide board showed less jeopardized effect than those of the 3 mm Magnesium oxide board and 7 mm thick fiber glass boards. Ceramic-fiber mat was one of the four inorganic fiber mats that gave the least burning degradation, while the other three showed relevant damage. Central board thickness affects the degree of degradation on the unexposed surface at burning. The thicker the central board, the more integrity the specimen held after test. The unexposed surface temperatures of all the 36 fire door specimens were less than 260℃. Twenty out of thirty-six manufacturing method were proved successful in the impact test. Those failed to meet the test standards came mainly from the serious carbonization occurring at the dimension, especially those equipped with metal hinges. Further work on the application of this investigation to the commercial fire doors will be carried out for the reference of the industry. |