題 名 | 織物疊合排列方式對防彈頭盔抗彈性能之影響=Influence of Fabric Arrangement Methods on Ballistic Helmet Bulletproof Properties |
作 者 | 李貴琪; 陳幼良; | 書刊名 | 中華民國紡織工程學會誌 |
卷 期 | 18:2 2000.11[民89.11] |
頁 次 | 頁35-48 |
分類號 | 595.85 |
關鍵詞 | 防彈頭盔; 九○手槍; 子彈; 積層; 抗彈性能; Ballistic helmet; 9mm handgun; Bullet; Laminate; Bulletproof property; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 由於防彈頭盔之形狀為圓弧狀,因此頭盔之成形加工不同於一般之平板加工,加工時必須將片狀之原料裁剪成條狀後,按各公司所研發之專有排列方式進行排列、熱壓成形,因此每條原料間將會出現疊合後之重疊區域。因此本研究主要針對防彈頭盔製造過程之加工參數探討複合材料使用於抗彈時之性能。本研究係將芳香族聚醯胺織物在相同層數下,以不同之疊層方式進行積層加工製成防彈複合材料,比較子彈之初速度與子彈穿透板材後之速度,經由能量之吸收、抗彈機構、邊界效應及破壞模式之研究,以其找出防彈頭盔成形加工時之最佳排列方式,在不增加重量之條件下,將防彈頭盔之抗彈能力提升至最大。研究結果得知:防彈纖維織物採雙面塗佈,以高壓成形如1200/1200/1200psi排列方式,且防彈纖維織物疊合區域以3cm者之防彈效果最佳。 |
英文摘要 | Because the shape of helmet is an arc shape, so the anufactureprocess of helmet is difference with the manufacture of the generalplane. In manufacture process, we must make the flake shape materialscut to a wicker shape, then the operators according to the specialarrangement method of each company, arrange the flack shape materials,hot press it. Therefore, each piece of materials will appear theoverlap region. The main traget of this study was to investigatethe influence of fabrication parameters in the manufacture processof ballistic helmet. This studies are plan to proceed a comparefor the speed of first bullet and the speed after the bullet pen-etrate the ballistic composites under the same layers but differentlaminates arrangement of bulletproof fabric. Through the studies of bulletproof mechanism, energy absorption, boundary effect anddamage model in order to find the best laminates arrangement thenit can increase bulletpro of function of ballistic helmet to utmost.The results of this study will be the doctrinal dependencies for design bulletproof fiber composites, that ballistic helmet bulletprooffunction better than presently by this way. We also found when thelaminates arrangement of bulletproof fabrics is 1200/1200/1200 psiand overlap is 3cm, the ballistic helmet has the best bulletprooffunction. |