- 從傳播觀點看數位圖書館與數位博物館之研發
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- 數位圖書館個案與Metadata研究:以「國立自然科學博物館計畫--蝴蝶生態面面觀」和「New York Public Library--Mid-Manhattan Library Picture Collection Online」為例
- ADSL高速網路架構
題 名 | 從傳播觀點看數位圖書館與數位博物館之研發=The Development of Digital Library/Digital Museum--A Communicator's View |
作 者 | 謝瀛春; | 書刊名 | 圖書館學與資訊科學 |
卷 期 | 26:2 2000.10[民89.10] |
頁 次 | 頁49-56 |
分類號 | 028.2 |
關鍵詞 | 數位圖書館; 數位博物館; 數位媒介; 傳輸模式; 傳播即文化; 創新傳播; 資訊鴻溝; Digital library; Digital museum; Digital medium; Transmission model; Communication as culture; Diffusion of innovations; Information gap; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 從傳播的觀點來看,數位圖書館或博物館的研發,顯然宜參酌「傳播即文化」的理論,記取長久以來一直以「傳輸的傳播模式」理論為主流思考之缺失。過去,以「傳播為傳輸」觀點的理論設計,大都助長了政經勢力,而對人們知識經驗的交流與學習卻少有助益。同時,亦應參考網際網路新媒介之性質及其傳播意涵、「新事物擴散理論」,以及科技發展造成之貧富差距現象,其中尤以網路上文獻的變遷(如動態文獻之特性、文獻匯集、資訊參照等均異於傳統方式)、虛擬閱讀社團(virtual reading community)的出現、使用者即網路內容的觀念抬頭、人機介面的設計(指傳播層面),以及公共資訊的共享和相關資訊的超連結等方面之全盤考量為要。如此將可充分發揮數位圖書館或博物館的功能;不只為知識、專業服務,也為平民大眾樂於接近。集專業化、平民化、普及化之後,可預見民智之提昇、人民生活品質提高之景象。 |
英文摘要 | For the research and development of a new multi-medium like digital library and digital museum, there is a great deal of concern from communication theories and the nature of digital medium. Besides of the theory of "transmission model," other theories like "communication as culture," "diffusion of innovations," and "new media technology" should be taken into account seriously and thoroughly. Other related issues such as "information inequality/gap," "information searching/referencing on the Internet," virtual reading community," "users as creators of content," "human interface," and "access to the general public" are also key factors of a successful digital library and digital museum in the information age. |