題 名 | 從《鶯鶯傳》、《董西廂》、《王西廂》、《曾西廂》看張生形象的轉變=The Transformation of Ch'ang Chui Jui's Image in “The legend of Ying Ying”, “The West Chamber by Don”, “The West Chamber by Wang” and “The West Chamber by Zien” |
作 者 | 黃蕙心; 謝錦桂毓; 陳怡如; | 書刊名 | 輔大中研所學刊 |
卷 期 | 10 民89.10 |
頁 次 | 頁237-263 |
分類號 | 822.4 |
關鍵詞 | 西廂記; 會真記; 鶯鶯傳; 董西廂; 王西廂; 曾西廂; 越劇西廂; 鶯鶯; 張君瑞; 元稹; 董解元; 王實甫; 曾昭宏; 茅威濤; 形象; 形象轉變; The west chamber; Hui chen chi; The legend of ying ying; The west chamber by Ddon; The west chamber by Wang; The west chamber by Zien; Yue opera about the west chamber; Ying ying; Ch'ang Chun Jui; Yuan Cher; Don Sie Yui; Wang Shih Fu; Zien Chao Hung; Mao Wei T'ao; Image transformation of image; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 《西廂記》的故事可以說是家喻戶曉。現在我們所耳熟能詳的張君瑞與崔鶯鶯的詧事是根據王實甫的《西廂記》雜劇而來。然其故事原型為唐代元慎的《鶯鶯傳》,在《鶯鶯傳》中,一是個始亂終棄的人,一直到《董西廂》,故事才出現了根本性的變機讓張生與鶯鶯的戀愛有了結果,而《王西廂》是在《董西廂》的基礎上加工,使《西廂記》的反禮教思想更為鮮明。在這樣的改動過程中,人物形象變動最大的,首推張生,他由一個負心漢成為一個專注於愛情的書生。並使得故事的結局由悲劇轉為喜劇,故事的主題由單純的愛情故事成為了反抗傳統禮教與追求自我理想。因此筆者對這個具關鍵性人物的轉變,感到興趣。本文試著從原著的《鶯鶯傳》,發展到《董西廂》、《王西廂》、《曾西廂》的過程,來看張生的轉變歷程與轉變意含,期能了解《西廂》故事千百年來深撼人心的關鍵及帶給現代的省思。 |
英文摘要 | “His Hsiang Chi” (“The West Chamber”)was one of the most popular plays in China under the imperial regime. The Version more well-known was written by Wang Shih Fu in the thirteenth Century, However, the origin of this history is from Yuan Cher’s “The Legend of Ying Ying” in T’ang Dynasty. In “The Legend of Ying Ying” Ch’ang Chun Jui, chief character in this story was a wnomanizer. The main transformation of this story is due to Don Sie Yui’s “The West Chamber”. Then “The West Chamber” written by Wang Shih Fu, was based on Don’s versio’n, is the story which we’re all familiar with. During this process of transformation, Ch’ang Chun Jui was the role with the image the most variable: a womanizer has been replaced by a faithful lover. And this change turned a tragic ending into a melodrama. The theme was no longer a simple love story instead it reveals the resistance against the convention of the old world and the quest of srlf. In this paper, the transformation of the main character Ch’ang Chun Jui and the meeting of this transformation with be carefully studied. By examineing “The Legend of Ying Ying”, “The West Chamber by Don”, “The West Chamber by Wang” and “The West Chamber by Zien”, we can realize why gains its popularity. |