題 名 | How Chinese Children make Friends in an American School=中國孩子如何在美國交朋友 |
作 者 | 余思靜; | 書刊名 | 臺東師院學報 |
卷 期 | 11(下) 民89.12 |
頁 次 | 頁137-170 |
分類號 | 173.1 |
關鍵詞 | 友情發展; 同儕關係; 質性研究; Friendship development; Peer relations; Qualitative study; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 這項研究主要是探究小學一年級的中國孩子如何在美國小學結交朋 友。朋友對孩子的發展有舉足輕重的影響。特別是對非主流文化中的少數民族而 言,朋友有助於他們個體的發展如適應新的社會情境。西方情境中東方孩子的研 究大部份著重是在探討他們在學業上的成就和影響其成就的相關因素。本研究主 要重點在於中國孩子在美國學校的友情發展。Vygotsky(1978)的社會文化歷史發 展理論是本研究主要的理論架構。本研究是一質性研究。研究者邀請一所美國學 公立小學內三班一年級的十位小學生參與這項研究。他們分別來自台灣和中國大 陸。參與式地觀察孩子在不同情境下與同儕的互動,以及對老師和父母正式與非 正式的訪談為此探究中國孩子結交朋友歷程上的方法。結果顯示來自不同地區的 中國孩子的友情發展基本上是個人和所在社會文化情境互動的結果。而台灣的孩 子和來自中國大陸的孩子用相似的方法發展友情;然而同儕似乎比較喜來自台灣 的孩子並排擠來自大陸的孩子。 |
英文摘要 | This study examines how first-grade Chinese children make friends in anAmerican school. There are many studies which have focused on Asianchildren's academic success, however, there is still little related to Chinesechildren's friendship development. Friendship serves important and diversefunctions in children's life, particularly for children whose culture differs fromthat of the dominant society. While many studies have explored therelationships between Asian children's academic success and variables, thisstudy focused primarily on the micro-sociocultural processes of children'sinterpersonal relations with each other. Vygotsky's (1978) perspectives (1987,1992) was used to theorize the friendship development process.Ten Chinesechildren were chosen from three first-grade classes in a public elementaryschool. A qualitative study during children's first grade year includedparticipant observation of children in a variety of contexts at school, formaland informal interviews with teachers, parents, and children, and documentcollection. Findings showed that ' the Chinese children's friendshipdevelopment was the consequence of an interplay between themselves andtheir sociocultural contexts. The Taiwanese and mainland Chinese childrenused the same processes in development of friendships, however, the peersseemed to treat them differently-the Taiwanese children were more welcomedby peers than the mainland Chinese children. |