- 河口三角洲形態之數值研究
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題 名 | 河口三角洲形態之數值研究=Numerical Study on the Configuration of River Deltas |
作 者 | 曾志民; 謝正倫; 詹錢登; | 書刊名 | 力學 |
卷 期 | 16:2 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁141-152 |
分類號 | 354.5 |
關鍵詞 | 河口三角洲; 三角洲形狀; 數值模式; 數值模擬; 敏感度分析; River delta; Delta geometry; Numerical model; Numerical simulation; Sensitivity analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 河川主導型河口三角洲的發展過程可分為三個階段,第一階段為三角洲長度發展 過程,第二階段為寬度發展過程,而第三階段為三角洲表面渠流化過程。本文結合二維淺水 流方程式、輸砂公式及泥砂連續方程式,建立分析河口三角洲地形發展之數值模式,並應用 此模式模擬河川主導型河口三角洲第一階段及第二階段之發展過程及其地形特性,並以本文 前二位作者先前之實驗結果為數值模式驗證及模擬對象。研究結果顯示,數值模擬所得之三 角洲無因次平面、橫斷面及縱斷面形態與實驗結果相當吻合,此說明本模式能有效模擬三角 洲第一階段及第二階段之地形發展過程及其形狀。此外,本文並討論底床粗糙高度、泥砂臨 界剪力速度及渦動黏滯係數等三個參數對模式模擬結果之敏感度。結果顯示,粗糙高度及泥 砂臨界剪力速度對三角洲地形的影響較渦動黏滯係數對地形的影響來的顯著。增加或減小百 分之五十的粗糙高度或臨界剪力速度對數值地形模擬結果的相對誤差約為 5 %左右。 |
英文摘要 | Formation process of a river-dominated delta could be divided into three stages: the delta develops mainly in its length in the first stage, and in its width in the second stage. At the end of the second stage, the delta has the same order of magnitudes in width and length, and then the formation of delta goes into the third stage in which a varying channel exists on the top of delta. A numerical model is developed based on three shallow water equations, a sediment transport equation and a sediment continuity equation. This model is applied to simulate the first and the second stages of the delta formation process in the present study. Experimental results accomplished by the first and the second authors [6] were adopted as objects for model verifications and model simulations. The simulation results show that the geometries of deltas are in good agreement with that of the experimental deltas. The sensitivity of parameters in the numerical model, such as the rough height, the critical shear velocity of particle and the eddy viscosity, to the simulation results is also discussed in this paper. Results show that the rough height and the critical shear velocity have more significant influence than the eddy viscosity to the simulated topography. Fifty-percent increase (or decrease) in the rough height or the critical shear velocity can result in about 5% variation in the simulated topography. |